Kotlin Developer - Nimap Infotech https://nimapinfotech.com/category/kotlin-developer/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 09:43:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://nimapinfotech.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Nimap-Infotech.png Kotlin Developer - Nimap Infotech https://nimapinfotech.com/category/kotlin-developer/ 32 32 Kotlin Multiplatform: Smart Choice In Cross-Platform Development https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-multiplatform-smart-choice-in-cross-platform-development/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 09:43:02 +0000 https://nimapinfotech.com/?p=32853 Developers of Android apps all across the world have adopted the well-known Java substitute Kotlin Multiplatform. Over and beyond the standard Java programming, it offers a number of value adds and improvements. It’s widely believed that Kotlin will influence future Android app development.  A Kotlin Multiplatform toolkit enables programmers to create code that can run...

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Developers of Android apps all across the world have adopted the well-known Java substitute Kotlin Multiplatform. Over and beyond the standard Java programming, it offers a number of value adds and improvements. It’s widely believed that Kotlin will influence future Android app development. 

A Kotlin Multiplatform toolkit enables programmers to create code that can run across several platforms. It works with every central operating system, including Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.


In this blog article, we’ll explore Kotlin Multi-platform’s main selling points and its revolutionary potential as the most cutting-edge and futuristic cross-platform app development tool. 


Let’s begin!


Why use Kotlin? 


There are a number of benefits to using Kotlin for multiplatform app development, some are listed below: 


Native Interoperability:

If a native library is accessible on the JVM, you can use it regardless of the platform. You may combine and match libraries from several platforms (such as Objective-C and Java) without incurring additional costs or overhead.

For instance, an Android developer doesn’t need to be familiar with new programming languages or frameworks to use a robust iOS SDK like ARKit. By passing code through a JavaScript engine like Nashorn, Kotlin also makes it feasible to interact with JavaScript libraries like ReactJS and NodeJS.


Kotlin is modern:

The difficulty of creating apps for several platforms has increased. It is required to be knowledgeable in a variety of programming languages and to invest a lot of effort in maintaining different codebases due to language constraints and platform fragmentation.


With Kotlin, you can make use of the newest language capabilities while still having access to more traditional APIs and technologies. Kotlin is the best option for you if you want to create fantastic apps quickly and effortlessly!


Do you prioritize developing apps for several platforms? Hire dedicated Kotlin app developers, and you’ll quickly create a market-leading multi-platform focused on business.


No UI required:

You don’t have to design an interface for each platform, which is a key distinction between Kotlin and other multiplatform tools. The majority of mobile applications demand touch input, thus we have to completely redesign the user interface (UI) for each device.


With Kotlin, this issue is solved since you can build an app without a user interface! Dealing with a single codebase is significantly simpler than juggling many projects to make them compatible with various devices.


Code Sharing:

Each developer may share their code across platforms, and your team only needs to manage one project that runs on every platform. What you want to write in your code is entirely up to you.

The knowledge of Java 8, JavaScript, Swift 3, or Objective-C is all that is required, therefore working with Kotlin requires less effort in terms of learning new syntaxes and language capabilities.


Also Read: Cross Platform App Development- Facts and Myths


What is Kotlin Multiplatform? 

As we all know, Kotlin is the most sophisticated programming language with a wealth of cutting-edge features that even render Java obsolete as a choice for Android app development. The framework to run Kotlin code across all platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, the Web, and all other embedded device platforms, is called Kotlin Multiplatform, and it takes the lead from here. 


The main selling point of Kotlin Multiplatform is the ability to create cross-platform apps that have the exact same user interface as native Kotlin-based apps. This can eventually eliminate all the distinctions between native and cross-platform programming, therefore it is definitely a significant promise. 


How does it work?


The concept was straightforward: why not take advantage of Kotlin can be compiled and used in Android environments? The Jetbrains team responsible for this concept began to consider what may occur if their efforts were sufficiently effective to deliver such an accomplishment across both platforms: one being CVDoM (i Phone) and another LM.


The potential for Kotlin to be compiled for iOS has been investigated by Jetbrains. Without wrappers or web pages, we would have 100% native code; everything would be incorporated into the system, and there would be no obstacles when interacting with the particular characteristics of each platform.


Brands using Kotlin Multiplatform



An American multinational technology business called Google has made significant investments in Kotlin. You may create Android apps using its Android Studio IDE, which is constructed on top of IntelliJ IDEA. You may have previously encountered this language when creating your Android app.



One of the most widely used social networking sites is Pinterest. They also employed Kotlin and justified their selection by stating that they required a programming language they could rely on—one that would be trustworthy, efficient, scalable, and effective at what it did. In Kotlin, we believe we have discovered what we were seeking



Kotlin is the main development language used by one of the top video streaming providers. A representative from Netflix verified that the company uses Kotlin for production code and said that it provides the highest performance and usability ratio.



A San Francisco-based start-up for an online transportation system also builds its applications using Kotlin Multiplatform. In an interview with InfoWorld magazine, its CTO defended the adoption of Kotlin and cited cross-platform compatibility as one of the language’s key benefits.


Read More: Native vs. Hybrid vs Cross Platform for App Development


Kotlin multiplatform offers a quick and effective approach to creating cross-platform apps, making it an excellent option for enterprises. You may be confident that your app will satisfy all the standards without any unpleasant surprises because we created the language with business needs in mind.

Additionally, Kotlin multiplatform use Java libraries, giving you access to a huge library of pre-existing code snippets and modules that might aid in hastening the start of your project.

Kotlin multiplatform should be at the top of your list if you’re seeking a trustworthy and effective cross-platform app development solution.


If you have experience using Kotlin, consider hiring developers in India from Nimap Infotech, a reputable IT outsourcing company. You may employ them to do your project on time we have more than 400+ developers.

The post Kotlin Multiplatform: Smart Choice In Cross-Platform Development appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

Kotlin vs Java: What to Choose for Android Development https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-vs-java/ https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-vs-java/#respond Tue, 21 Feb 2023 07:10:13 +0000 https://nimapinfotech.com/?p=12476 Welcome to this Kotlin vs Java comparison blog! Java and Kotlin are two popular programming languages used in the software development sector. Java has been around for over two decades, and it remains one of the most popular programming languages today. On the other hand, Kotlin is a relatively new programming language that has gained...

The post Kotlin vs Java: What to Choose for Android Development appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

Welcome to this Kotlin vs Java comparison blog! Java and Kotlin are two popular programming languages used in the software development sector.

Java has been around for over two decades, and it remains one of the most popular programming languages today. On the other hand, Kotlin is a relatively new programming language that has gained popularity in recent years, especially among Android developers. The popularity of Kotlin has been growing ever since this announcement. This has influenced a lot of specialists to predict the collapse of Java as we know it as far as mobile development is concerned. We got to the root of the topic to see how Kotlin & Java fare so that you are able to see how the two stack up against each other and who is the winner.

In the past few years, Kotlin was able to successfully take ahead of Java as the number one development language. Leverage JavaScript trends, stay ahead in web development, and create modern applications by hiring skilled JavaScript developers for your project. Because of a number of features that we will outline in this blog, it was able to dethrone Java at least as far as Android app development is concerned. With the ability to perform far better and being faster than Java, it was able to successfully take the crown.

Let us take a look at what makes Kotlin so popular as compared to its older sibling Java. Especially in the case of Android app development, it seems to have taken the lead from Java.


What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is an open-source programming language used by developers to create software and apps for a wide range of devices. It’s popular because it’s simple to understand and write, and it can operate on various platforms, including computers, phones, and even watches. 

Programmers consider it a tool for creating digital objects such as applications and websites. It’s similar to a language both the programmer and the computer can comprehend, and Kotlin is one of the alternatives. 

What is Java?

Java is a computer programming language developed in 1991 by a developers group led by James Gosling. Moreover, it originally bore the name “OAK” but underwent a subsequent renaming to Java.

Java is a powerful programming language used to develop various applications and services. It is similar to other well-known programming languages such as C++ and BASIC. Java, as an Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOPL), aims to depict objects and their interactions.

Developers can use Kotlin as an alternative to Java for designing Android apps.

One of the primary arguments for utilizing Kotlin is that it may minimize the amount of code required to construct an app, resulting in more efficient development. On the other hand, Google continues to promote Java as a popular language for Android programming.


Kotlin vs Java- Key Difference: 


  • Syntax:

Compared to Java, Kotlin has a more concise syntax and uses fewer lines of code to achieve the same results. Additionally, Kotlin’s modern programming concepts make its syntax more intuitive to beginners. 


  • Performance:

In comparison to Java, Kotlin is relatively new, so it has not been optimized as much as Java. Despite its speed and high performance, Kotlin is not as well known as Java. 

  • Ease of Use: 

There are more modern features in Kotlin than in Java, including null safety and extension functions, making it easier to write clean and concise code. Designers created Kotlin to be more user-friendly than Java. Due to the complexity and complexity of its features and syntax, Java has a steeper learning curve. 

  • Popularity: 

The Java programming language has been around for a long time and has an established developer community, further, making it a very popular programming language for various purposes. The Kotlin programming language, on the other hand, is a relatively new language with a smaller community, but in recent years, it has gained popularity, particularly in Android development. 


  • Development Tools and Frameworks: 

Compared to Java, which has a longer lifespan, Kotlin offers fewer tools and frameworks, but they are more modern and specifically designed for Kotlin. Java has a wider range of development tools and frameworks available, whereas Kotlin has fewer varieties. 

  • Null Safety:

Null safety is a feature in Kotlin that prevents null pointer exceptions from occurring in code. Hence, developers achieve it by employing nullability annotations and the Elvis operator. Null safety is not native to Java, but there are libraries and best practices for mitigating exceptions caused by null pointers.  

  • Functional Programming:

Functional programming concepts are strongly supported in Kotlin, like lambda expressions and higher order functions, while Java also supports these concepts, but the support is not as robust.  

  • Use Cases:

Java and Kotlin stand out as extensively employed programming languages across a diverse array of applications. Java is especially popular for enterprise applications, web development, and Android apps. Kotlin, known for its modern features and concise syntax, is gaining popularity in Android development, server-side development, and data science.


Read More: Flutter vs Java


Kotlin vs Java: Comparison Table:

Features  Java 


Primitive Type   Java In Java, primitive types is not objects. There are eight basic data types: byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, and char. Kotlin’s primitive types are objects with identical data types, with an additional “Unit” type representing a type with only one value, used when no other value is needed.
Product Sun Microsystems created Java as a programming language in the 1990s. It is an Oracle Corporation product.  JetBrains, the company behind the IntelliJ IDEA IDE, created Kotlin, a newer programming language.
Used for  Java is a general-purpose programming language, which means it may be used for a broad range of applications, from web development to mobile app development. Kotlin, too, serves as a General Purpose Language utilized for creating server-side apps and Android applications.
Concise In comparison to Kotlin, the code is not as succinct. Kotlin is widely regarded as being more succinct than Java. It cuts down on boilerplate code.
Checked Exceptions Up against Kotlin, Java contains a feature called “checked exceptions,” which implies that the compiler will compel the programmer to handle specific errors. It is not necessary to catch or disclose any exceptions. Kotlin, on the other hand, lacks checked exceptions, which means that the programmer is not required to handle errors
Casting Java has a wide user community. Java’s community is larger and more established than Kotlin’s. Kotlin has grown in prominence recently, with a burgeoning developer community. Its user base is not as large as that of Java.
Extension Function  There are no extension functions in Java.  Extension functions can be written in Kotlin.
Widening Conversion  Java supports widening conversions, which allows us to convert a smaller type to a larger one. Widening conversions are not supported in Kotlin.  As a result, we cannot transform the smaller type into a larger one.
File Extension  The “.java” file extension is used for Java files. The “.kt” file extension is used for Kotlin files.
Community Support  Java has a wide user community. Java’s community is larger and more established than Kotlin’s. Kotlin has grown in prominence in recent years, with a burgeoning developer community. However, its user base is not too large as that of Java.
Compilation Time Java takes less time to compile.  Kotlin’s compilation time is slower than Java’s.
Code Comparison  Java code is typically thought to be less understandable. As compared to Kotlin, the code line is simply twice. Kotlin-written code is typically thought to be more readable. It divides the code line into two.


This was a Comparison Between Java vs Kotlin let’s look at some advantages of Kotlin & Java.


Advantages of Kotlin

  • Shared Codebase, with the Kotlin Multiplatform framework, developers may build a single codebase that targets many platforms at the same time, saving time and effort.
  • Kotlin is compatible with current Java codebases because it can interchange and consume information from Java in various ways.
  • However, Kotlin has built-in null safe support, which helps avoid null pointer exceptions, a common problem in Java, and is notably useful in Android development.
  • Kotlin offers user-friendly and comprehensible coding rules that make it easy for developers to learn and utilize the language.
  • Kotlin’s compact and powerful syntax again, makes it easy to understand and create code, lowering the risk of mistakes.
  • Kotlin separates enormous programs into smaller, more accessible layers, making code maintenance and updating easier.
  • Additionally, Kotlin provides an easy and automatic manner of building data classes, decreasing the amount of boilerplate code necessary.
  • Extension functions in Kotlin allow developers to enhance the capabilities of existing classes and make code more flexible.
  • Kotlin has function types & specific language constructs like lambda expressions, making it simpler to create and comprehend functional code. 
  • Additionally, Kotlin’s status as a statically typed language simplifies understanding and writing, thereby minimizing the likelihood of errors.

Hire Kotlin Developer


Advantages of Java

  • Java’s verified exceptions system aids in the swift identification and resolution of errors, ensuring that any mistakes are rectified before the program is executed. This makes it easy to detect and resolve issues.
  • Also, Java’s libraries are simple to explore, making it easier for developers to locate the tools they need to construct their applications.
  • Java offers rich documentation, making it easy for developers to understand and utilize the language.
  • There is a huge pool of professional Java developers accessible, and finding skilful developers to work on Java projects is easy.
  • Java provides a large choice of third-party libraries that may assist developers in speeding up development and adding additional functionality to their projects.
  • Moreover, Java empowers developers to construct standard programs and reusable code that they can leverage across multiple projects.
  • Java is a multi-threaded environment, which implies that developers may do several activities in a program at the same time.
  • Java is well-known for its great performance, making it a popular choice for developing high-performance applications.

Hire Java Developer


Also Read: Java vs NodeJS



It is indeed Kotlin that is the future of Android app development. With its abundance of community support and learning materials that you can find online, app developers can use Kotlin to develop apps for the Android platform. Kotlin is a successor to Java for Android app development.  You can get multiple benefits when you use Kotlin for your Android app.  If you are looking to develop an Android app for your business then you should contact us at enquiry@nimapinfotech.com with your requirements. 

I hope you like this blog on Kotlin vs Java. Do check our other blogs.

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React Native VS Kotlin https://nimapinfotech.com/react-native-vs-kotlin/ https://nimapinfotech.com/react-native-vs-kotlin/#respond Thu, 27 Oct 2022 05:15:54 +0000 https://nimapinfotech.com/?p=14215 Understanding the comparison, React Native Vs Kotlin Table Of Content React Native vs Kotlin React Native 1.1 Is React Native Better Than Kotlin? 1.2 Why React Native Is Not Good? Kotlin 2.1 Is Kotlin Better Than React Native? 2.2 Why Kotlin Is Not Good? React Native vs Kotlin Comparison Based On Several Factors   Firstly,...

The post React Native VS Kotlin appeared first on Nimap Infotech.


Understanding the comparison, React Native Vs Kotlin

Firstly, technology is evolving at a rapid pace. Newer technologies are coming to replace the older ones and this has made coding and programming much easier and simpler. So, React Native vs Kotlin is the topic of the day where you would understand two new technologies that have changed the pace of mobile app development.

In particular, React Native is the newest addition to the React family of frameworks. React native is a mixture of react framework and native javascript libraries that helps aid development efforts for mobile apps. This framework and language enable hybrid mobile app development that suits both Android as well as iOS applications. Kotlin is the second official language supported by Android applications. Google announced it in this decade. It is the only language to replace Java that was long being used as the main Android development language until now.


React Native vs Kotlin


React Native

React Native is a combination of React framework used to building web and mobile applications using JavaScript It includes Native declarations that is supported by JavaScript. Together they form React Native framework that is used to develop hybrid mobile apps that run using a combination of native technologies along with the React framework. React Native is a framework for coding and writing real native mobile applications for iOS as well as Android.

It easily facilitates to reuse code across the web and mobile applications. This framework enabled programmers and developers to build truly native applications using their classic all time favourite javascript. They use this to build rich mobile UI components using declarative components.

In order to use React Native for mobile app development you need to use and install NodeJS and NPM(Node Package Manager). These tools are for installing React Native dependencies.  You also need to do further configurations to smoothly run the software package.

Is React Native Better Than Kotlin?


  • Faster to build

The biggest selling point that has an advantage for React Native is its shorter development time. Now here is the question that how is it faster that enables it to have shorter development time? So the main answer is that it uses reusable components that are easily ready to apply to code that results in time saving and can be reused. An example to this is FlatList: this is a component that is provided and included by react native. This component gives you the same functionality as Androids RecycleView or iOS TableView


  • One Code base, two platforms

This feature enable you to develop apps for two totally different platforms and that too using a single code base. This single code base works flawlessly with the development efforts of both Android and iOS platforms. React Native enables developers to build apps for both iOS and Android platforms all from the same framework. However, there are some functionalities that Native SDKs provide.  These are still to be implemented and written specifically for React Native.


  • Hot Reloading

There were times when multi platform app development required the developer to manually execute and compile the code in order to see the changes to the code. Now with react native, all the compilation is done automatically, and changes are seen in real time for the code base.  Compared to native app development where even a small minute change requires the entire application to be restarted and executed.


  • Smaller teams

Comparatively Native app development required two dedicated teams for both Android and iOS app development. When you use React Native for app development, the team size decreases as they know javascript is used for app development.


  • Migration for Web to Mobile

If a developer is thinking to migrate from web development to mobile development then it is easier for him, when using react native as the major or core framework remains the same. This results in an easier migration from the web platform to a mobile platform.


Also Read: Kotlin vs Java: What to Choose for Android Development


Why React Native Is Not Good?


  • Prior Knowledge Required

The major drawback of react native app development is that it requires prior knowledge of Javascript. It is used to combine native code with that of hybrid apps. They will need to code their custom components the same way as it is done with Android apps using XML files


  • Less Secure

React native as it uses JavaScript for app development is known for being less secure as JavaScript itself being fragile.  For example mobile banking applications developed using react native can be less secure and susceptible to intruders and hackers.

  • Limited 3rd party libraries

When it comes to using third party libraries there are limited libraries that are available. In native app development, you can use all APIs but when using react native you have limited access to APIs as they are not readily available.


Kotlin language was developed by JetBrains and used by Google to develop as an official language under Android application development. This is a newer programming language that runs under the JVM or java virtual machine thereby enabling development for android apps.

Is Kotlin Better Than React Native?

The code in kotlin provides exactly precise as well as concise compact code. It has fewer chances for making errors by the developer. It provides fewer lines of code for the same functionality as that written in Java for Android.

  • Reliable Maintenance and Support

Kotin was developed by the great IDE development company JetBrains, which provides many popular tools for IDEs including Android Studio, and other tools. Therefore there is no doubt that it will provide impeccable support for Kotlin as well. Major releases and updates are provided on time and in regular intervals.

  • Less Code

There is one major rule the less you code for the same functionality the minimal chances for you as a developer to make errors and bugs. Therefore it’s well known to provide the same functionality as that of Java to perform the same task or operation.

  • Reliable Language

Kotlin undergone extensive testing before release. Well known for its reliability and efficiency.

  • Compatibility with existing code

If you have a native app developed under using java language then you can use the feature of interoperability where kotlin code works in tandem with java code. The code is easily interoperable as it executes under JVM.

Hire Kotlin Developer

Why Kotlin Is Not Good?


  • Learning Curve

Some amount of learning curve involved when learing Kotlin as there are some subtle differences in syntax and the usage of the language.

  • Smaller Community

Kotlin community compared to React natives small because the language was released in this decade and will take time to reach its maturity stage.


React Native VS Kotlin


React Native Kotlin
React native used as a cross platform app development framework Kotlin used as an Android app development language
This is a framework and tool This is a language
Uses single code base Also uses single code base
Can develop for Android and iOS simultaneously Can only develop for Android
Cost of development is less Cost of development is more
Produced by Facebook Produced by Google
Provides great community support Provides Great community support



Read more: Flutter vs Xamarin vs React Native: Which cross-platform Mobile App Development framework to choose in 2023?



React Native vs Kotlin Comparison Based On Several Factors:


  • React Native vs. Kotlin: Performance Comparison-

Native apps created by React Native are almost identical to those created by native tools. So they run faster than hybrid apps whose code runs inside a web component specific to the platform.


Using JavaScript and native modules, developers can create apps on iOS and Android that feel and look native. And React Native gives a native-like experience on both platforms.


In contrast, Kotlin is a programming language that allows developers to build platform-specific codebases and share business logic written in it. Kotlin-based apps are faster than React Native apps but not as fast as React Native apps.


  • React Native vs. Kotlin: Development Environment-

React Native offers developers a range of features, such as ready-to-use components, hot reloading, and native development capabilities. In addition to native UI, experienced developers can use JavaScript to build Android and iOS apps with the same codebase.


Meanwhile, Kotlin Multiplatform allows developers to reuse multi-platform logic and write platform-specific code. Whenever necessary resulting in a faster and more convenient development process.


  • React Native vs Kotlin: Developer Productivity-

It takes time to learn a framework or technology and, the features that help to make work easier, how long it will take to build something useful. Kotlin, known for developing some of the best IDEs.


React Native builts, Reactjs, a JavaScript library. To pick it up, you need intermediate JavaScript skills or at least an understanding of the Reactjs framework. Otherwise, it is a very steep learning curve. A significant advantage of React Native is its “hot reload” functionality which allows instant updates without recompiling the code. You can also reuse up to 70% of your JS code for an iOS app.


  • React Native vs. Kotlin: Popularity-

It is curious why big tech companies are using either Kotlin or React Native to build Android apps. When comparing Kotlin’s popularity with React Native. It removes repetitive tasks from the development cycle and speeds up the overall process. Allowing developers to work on a single codebase that can run on multiple platforms.


Facebook (obviously), Facebook Ads, Bloomberg, AirBnB, UberEats, Instagram, Discord, Discovery VR, Townske, Walmart and Wix are already using React Native.


In addition to Amazon, Pinterest, Netflix, and Twitter. Many companies also use Kotlin for Android development. These apps are popular and have great features, so there is no way to argue with them.


  • React Native vs. Kotlin: Community support-

In addition to the React Native documentation being sufficient to get you started, there are a lot of online courses, tutorials, and blog posts that will get you started. One of the biggest tech companies, Facebook, developed this framework with a team of engineers working to fix bugs and improve it. Because this is a new alternative, the limited libraries and community support Kotlin. These libraries are constantly improving and working on it.



So we have discussed the various differences and similarities between Kotlin and React Native. If you are looking to hire react native developers or hire Kotlin developers then contact us at enquiy@nimapinfotech.com with your requirements.

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Kotlin vs Python: Detailed Comparison https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-vs-python/ https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-vs-python/#respond Mon, 07 Dec 2020 12:25:33 +0000 https://nimapinfotech.com/?p=14122 Firstly, when choosing a language, we need to decide on the merits and demerits of that particular language. How does it perform? What are the advantages offered to programmers and developers? How these advantages can be leveraged. Particularly, When choosing a particular language, we need to decide upon the features that our applications are going...

The post Kotlin vs Python: Detailed Comparison appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

Firstly, when choosing a language, we need to decide on the merits and demerits of that particular language. How does it perform? What are the advantages offered to programmers and developers? How these advantages can be leveraged. Particularly, When choosing a particular language, we need to decide upon the features that our applications are going to have. In order to help you to decide which language is going to be best for you. We have compiled this list of functionalities and benefits. This will help you to decide better which language (Kotlin vs Python) is apt for your programming tasks and needs.

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is developed to be an open-source language. Moreover, this means that there is no license or subscription needed to use the language for your programming needs and uses. Everyone and anyone is free to use the language as per their needs and uses. Kotlin is also a statistically typed programming language. This means that Kotlin uses and employs a JVM or a Java Virtual Machine in order to get things done. It also works flawlessly on various different platforms.

To begin with, a programming language is going to be statistically typed when the type of the variable used is assigned rather than at compile time instead of run time. Variables used in Kotlin get their value types directly at compile time when the program code is compiled in the compiler. Particularly, this language is known to be fully interoperable with Java. Kotlin is able to provide us with a very concise and different combination of object-oriented as well as functional programming features.

Kotlin is developed by the well-known company Jetbrains. It was first launched to the general public in February 2016. This language is majorly used for server-side development, client-side application development as well as for any android app development.

Now let’s check out the major reasons why should you use Kotlin for your android development projects or any projects.

Why should you use Kotlin- Kotlin vs Python?


  • Create less code:

To begin with, Kotlin is known to create less code in order to get the same tasks done swiftly and faster. Subsequently, every developer and programmer aims to write and create less amount of code that is able to accomplish the same objective or tasks need to be done. When you use kotlin, the same tasks can be done in much less amount of code thereby improving app performance. Thus kotlin gives you much better results compared to any other programming platform or language.

  • Ease of adoption:

If you have any kind of project that is developed using the android platform or the java language. Then Kotlin makes it much easier for you to shift your entire programming code to Kotlin. Therefore, you can use it for your projects that are of different kinds and types. Any project that is developed using java for android is thus enables to be shifted to the Kotlin platform and language has been designed to be much easier and flexible. Thus this makes migration from one platform to another much easier when you use Kotlin for your projects.

  • Supports and enables functional programming:

Kotlin has been designed from the ground up to fully support functional programming and designing. Furthermore, this allows developers and programmers to design and process tasks quickly and easily. Whatever objective that developers are trying to achieve can be done using a set of functional programming features and techniques quite easily and swiftly by developers and programmers.

  • Full compatibility with Java: 

Developers and programmers are free to use and employ any framework and tools that make use of Java. Wherever there is a need to use Java Tools and frameworks, you can do so. This is because tools and frameworks that work well in Java also work well with respect to Kotlin. Kotlin is designed to be fully interoperable with the Java language.

  • No runtime overhead:

Kotlin makes use of a small library. Hence there is no runtime overhead as most of the tasks are accomplished directly at compile time instead of runtime. In the run-time situation, the program is directly executed without having any overhead or tasks remaining to be completed. This enables objects to be mapped to the program at compile time only instead of run time.

  • MultiPlatform compatibility:

Kotlin is able to support not only Android app development but it also provides support for platforms such as Gradle and JavaScript.

  • Less Error-Prone:

Kotlin design and development is done in such a way that it is less error-prone for developers and programmers. This is because some of the common coding errors are eliminated directly. Moreover, because developers and programmers have to write less code, there are very low chances for them to actually cause an error. Due to this feature, it is also easy for Kotlin developers to debug the code and eliminate any errors or bugs that might have crept into the code.

Hire Kotlin Developer


Also Read: Kotlin vs Java: What to Choose for Android Development


What is Python?

Python is created to be an object oriented language as well as a high-level programming language. This language was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991. This language was released to the general public in the year 1991.

Python can accomplish a lot of different things. Things and tasks such as:

Software development, System scripting, Server side web development, Handling big data and performing many complex mathematical calculations. All of these tasks  accomplished using Python.


Why should you choose Python-  Kotlin vs Python?


  • Third-party library and modules availability:

There are many third-party modules that are available for Python. So python should easily extend to provide additional features and functionality as per your requirements. Chances are that whatever that you are trying to achieve using Python, there may be a library tool that is available for you to accomplish the same task.

  • Open Source and Community development:

Python language designed and developed under the OSI standard and approved license. This means that you are free to distribute and use the language as per your will and needs what it may be.

  • User-friendly Data Structures:

Python has provided developers and programmers a built-in list of data structure and this helps construct data structure at a faster rate during runtime.

  • Productivity and Speed:

Python has provided developers and programmers with an object-oriented design, test processing capabilities as well as its own testing framework, all of these functions contribute to better speed and productivity.

  • Many language support provided:

If you want to run mathematical or statistical programs then Python is an apt language. Even the language for statistical operations named R language runs on top of Python infrastructure very easily and swiftly.

Hire Python Developer


Read More: Kotlin vs Flutter: Performance & Difference


Kotlin VS Python-  Comparison


Kotlin Python
 Statistically typed language providing OOPs and FP paradigm It is one of the most popular high level programming languages
Unicode support is present Unicode Support is also present
 Kotlin does not provide an Interpreter Python provides an Interpreter
Kotlin provides Cross Platform application support Python also provides cross platform application support
You can use HTML5 as the template language You can use Django, Chameleon as template language.
Kotlin is a compiled language hence a compiler is provided Python does not provide a compiler as it is an interpreted language.
Kotlin Native used as a front end language C# used for front end language
The operating system server is Android The operating system server is cross-platform


Likely Reasons to Use Kotlin:


  • Compose Less Code-

Every designer wants to compose the most un-conceivable code actually achieve the goal. Kotlin permits composing the least code and hence improves application execution.

  • Simplicity of Adoption-

It is extremely simple to move work-in-progress Android application code to Kotlin.

  • Upholds Functional Programming-

Kotlin upholds utilitarian programming by permitting engineers to deal with assignments effectively and rapidly.

  • Full Compatibility with Java-

Developers can involve all Java libraries and systems while coding in Kotlin.

  • No Runtime Overhead-

Kotlin has a little library and the majority of the truly difficult work done at the hour of arrangement.

  • Multi-Platform Compatibility-

Kotlin upholds Android improvement, yet it is additionally viable with JavaScript and Gradle.

  • Less Error-inclined-

Kotlin users create less mistakes in light of the fact. The actual language kills a couple of normal coding blunders. Also chances of blunder decreases when the designer needs to compose less code.


Motivations to utilize Python


  • Outsider Modules Availability-

Python bundle Index contains outsider modules to advance communication with a few dialects and stages.

  • Broad Support Libraries-

Python has a huge standard library that incorporates web conventions, string activities, working framework points of interaction, and web administrations. Regularly utilized programming assignments prearranged in the library which decreases the pointless work of composing.

  • Open Source and Community Development-

Python language created under an OSI-endorsed permit allowed for utilize and circulate including business reasons.

  • Easy to use Data Structures-

Python has an implicit rundown of information structure which assists develop information with organizing at a quicker rate during runtime.

  • Efficiency and Speed-

Python has object-arranged plan, test handling abilities and its own trying structure, all of which add to the better speed and usefulness.

Also Read: Python Mobile Development


People Ask Asked:


  • Can Kotlin replace Python?

Many of Kotlin’s features are similar to those of Java, which it is fully compatible with. While Kotlin can be used for some tasks that Python can do, is not a direct replacement for Python. In addition to web development, data analysis, and scientific computing, Python is an interpreted language often used for scientific computing. While Android apps are compiled and statically typed with Kotlin. It is likely not necessary or advisable for you to switch to Kotlin if you are already using Python for a specific project or task. For most Android apps and projects that integrate with Java-based systems, Kotlin is a good choice, but it may not be suitable for all.


  • Are Kotlin and Python similar?

No, Kotlin and Python are two different programming languages with different syntax, features, and purposes. Python has a dynamically-typed, object-oriented syntax and a broad library that makes it easy to get started with such a wide range of tasks. While Kotlin offers a succinct syntax and excellent support for functional programming.

Even though Kotlin and Python are powerful programming languages, they are not directly interchangeable since they are designed for different purposes. A careful evaluation of these languages is important if you plan to use them for a particular project.


  • Is kotlin better than python

Kotlin is primarily used for creating Android applications. It is a statically typed and compiled programming language. Fully interoperable with Java. Besides its concise syntax and expressive functionality, it also has many features that make it easier to write safe, maintainable code. A high-level, interpreted programming language, Python, on the other hand, is widely used for web development, data analysis, and scientific computing.


  • Is Kotlin as fast as Java?

Kotlin code is compiled to Java bytecode, so it should perform similarly to Java code in most cases. Nevertheless, the performance of some Kotlin or Java codes is affected by a number of factors, including the algorithms and data structures used. The hardware and operating system, as well as the compiler settings.

Kotlin is designed to improve upon some of the shortcomings of Java and make it easier to write safe and readable code. There are numerous features that make it possible to write efficient code and perform well. Including inlining, optimization flags, and support for inline classes.



We have shared with you the best reasons for Kotlin VS Python.  Why is either of the languages used for your development and programming purposes? It all comes down to personal preferences and what you are trying to achieve using either language. If you want to hire Kotlin developers or hire Python developers then contact us with your requirements at enquiry@nimapinfotech.com with your requirements.


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Kotlin vs Flutter: Performance & Difference https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-vs-flutter/ https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-vs-flutter/#respond Fri, 25 Sep 2020 13:27:11 +0000 https://nimapinfotech.com/?p=13770 Overview- Kotlin vs Flutter Lets understand about Kotlin vs Flutter. It is has been a thing of the past when cross-platform applications could only be developed using React Native. This happened because the developers and programmers as well as the ones involved in business and operations have started examining more routes through mobile app development...

The post Kotlin vs Flutter: Performance & Difference appeared first on Nimap Infotech.


Overview- Kotlin vs Flutter

Lets understand about Kotlin vs Flutter. It is has been a thing of the past when cross-platform applications could only be developed using React Native. This happened because the developers and programmers as well as the ones involved in business and operations have started examining more routes through mobile app development for reaching a broader audience across the entire globe.

Kotlin vs Flutter What’s Popular?

In recent times, mobile application development has already proved to become the most fundamental part of businesses of all sizes. Companies and organizations have long realized that well-designed apps can acquire a secure connection with new customers.


If someone is planning to invest in mobile application development, the pressing question and the major concern that one may have is, which is the best framework for developing a high performing application?


A majority of those involved in mobile app development will openly recommend React Native or Flutter for low-cost app development. Mobile app development companies and organizations were mostly dependent upon these two top app development frameworks. Today, a new competitor or a rival has penetrated the market deeply and courageously taken over the place: Kotlin. It is time for Kotlin app development to create a buzz in the market and make a trend.


Before we get to start with Kotlin vs Flutter comparison, let’s begin with discussing the features one by one:

About Kotlin

JetBrains is a company that has developed Kotlin, and this language is a general-purpose, open-source programming language. It is statistically typed and used generally as a pragmatic platform for Java Virtual Machine as well as for the Android platform, coupling object-oriented and functional features.

Kotlin was released in as a basic language in the year 2010 with a small project; its first official release came in 2016.  The Kotlin multiplatform feature is something that compiles the code using the JVM bytecode, JavaScript, or LLVM code.


About Flutter:

The Flutter platform is nothing but an open-source framework.


Flutter is an ideal system for iOS, and many other platforms such as Android, Web, and Desktop-based app development. The library as well as the platform that it has offers a solitary API to distinguish seeds for different frameworks on the double.


Google UI system pivots around winning and solving market difficulties. Due to this reason, Flutter transformed into a perfect and well emerged as across-platform mobile app development within a brief timeframe.



Flutter: One of the most significant benefits and advantages of using Flutter is that it presents organizations and companies with hot reloading functionality. The functionality that it provides leads to make it simple for the users to execute any modifications at the backend and view the difference at the front-end simultaneously. In this manner, Flutter has already become easy to decide if the looks are perfect for the elements of applications.


Kotlin: One great advantage of using kotlin for cross-platform development is that it provides support for multiplatform as well as organizes the code to the explicit with the same format as the targeted platform. This makes it a stable and robust platform for superior performance that it provides in their native counterparts.


UI Experience:

Flutter: With Flutter, developers and programmers can get a chance to use various widgets for app development, making the app development process far more comfortable, easier as well as quicker. The Flutter technology comes with an advanced SDK to customize and tailor the app that fits your business needs.


Designers using Flutter create expressive, flexible, revolutionary and easily adaptable mobile applications,Fast Development,Equipped with Advanced RISC Machines code. It helps you execute your ideas easily gaining the maximum benefit from your projects.


Kotlin: Its multiplatform ability provides or gives the UI developers freedom to craft a unique and highly effective mobility solution without the need to follow any constraints or set rules or set-in-stone instructions. Developers and programmers can build an app that perfectly fits your vision.



Flutter: Flutter provides the user with the functionality of building the app that is compatible with Android and iOs platforms.

Kotlin: The Kotlin framework provides developers and programmers with multiplatform functionality. This acts within the native ecosystem rather than constructing one. Therefore, all app experts can operate and develop using the same tools and libraries. They have been utilizing during the native development, involving Jetpack Compose as well as SwiftUI.


This means that they might also require third-party libraries and the tools to bridge a combination with the native environment.



Why hire Flutter Developers from Nimap Infotech?


Difference Between Flutter and Kotlin(Kotlin vs flutter)

Kotlin vs Flutter | Flutter vs Kotlin: Difference Between


Pros and cons of Kotlin


Pros of Kotlin

Kotlin is developed as an SDK. It does not have framework capabilities.  It is not necessary to migrate app code to this platform. Programmers or developers can start working even with a single characteristic.


Kotlin bears a striking resemblance to the  Scala language as well as Swift. This makes it easy to learn and design a cross-platform app using a multi-frame.

Developers can work on any aspect of the app without limitations.

1 – Interoperability with Java Code:

Kotlin is 100 percent Java-Interoperable programming language, and that implies changing from Java to Kotlin is easy for experienced Android application engineers

2 – Easy Maintainability:

The greater part of the IDEs accessible in the market today offer help for Kotlin, which eventually helps in boosting usefulness as it kills the requirement for learning new IDE for the engineers.

3 – Boosts Team Efficiency:

Because of its natural and brief grammar, Kotlin is a minimized and clean programming language that lifts group productivity generally.

In laymen’s terms, designers can accomplish more work utilizing Kotlin contrasted with Java, as Kotlin takes less lines of code to assemble and send Android applications.


Cons of Kotlin

There are fewer libraries in hand right now for developers as Kotlin is still a fledgling. Once the Date Time Library comes, the situation will improve.  App developers and programmers should be spruced up. In order to understand each platform as well as the API to manage Kotlin better.


1 – Fluctuation in Compilation:

By and large, for example, performing gradual forms, Kotlin is quicker than Java, there is not even a shadow of a doubt. In any case, Java stays a reasonable champ with regards to making clean forms for Android applications.

2 – Less Talent for Hire:

Despite the fact that, Kotlin’s expanded fame, particularly after Google reported it as the five star Android application advancement programming language, has positively expanded the quantity of Kotlin application designers on the lookout.

There are, nonetheless, still less number of Kotlin designers accessible in the market contrasted and Java engineers.

3 – Limited Learning Resources:

However the quantity of Android application engineers changing to Kotlin is expanding consistently, there is as yet set number of assets accessible in the market to learn and dominate Kotlin.

This essentially prompts additional opportunity to attempt to sort out some way to do or assemble specific things in an Android application utilizing Kotlin programming language.


Also Read: React Native vs Flutter


Pros and Cons of Flutter


Pros of Flutter

Operating costs as well as development costs are considerably lower because of native-like apps that provide a  single code-based.

With numerous widgets and functionality, Flutter can produce customized facilities to its users.
As Flutter assists in developing apps for both Android and iOS in a minimum amount of time, it thus fits for MVP development.

1- Same UI and Business Logic in All Platforms:

We, specialists, realize that essentially any cross-stage system gives a method for sharing codebase between the objective stages. Yet, there are no such application systems that permit sharing both the UI code the UI itself other than Flutter.

2 -Diminished Code Development Time:

From my experience, constructing a standard fair size Android application requires no less than 40 seconds to get sent onto the test gadget. What’s more, once in a while, it can take everlastingly to change a little visual viewpoint in the format. Some of you could say, ‘Stand by, yet Android Studio has a format see for that.’ And it does. However, obviously, there is a yet: the element is restricted and doesn’t constantly fill in true to form, particularly with custom perspectives.

Flutter “hot reload” highlight, thus, permits seeing the applied changes in a split second, without losing the current application state. Furthermore, this is actually the thing makes Flutter application advancement a few times quicker because of the sped up.

3 – Increased Time-to-Market Speed:

This one is really clear. Flutter advancement structure works faster than its other options. Generally speaking, you can expect a Flutter application to expect something like twice less worker hours contrasted with the equivalent application grew independently for Android and iOS. The primary explanation is dead basic: you simply need to compose no stage explicit code to accomplish the ideal visuals in your application. Any 2D-based UI can be executed in Flutter without cooperating with a local application partner.

Cons of Flutter

The language employed, Dart is still unfamiliar as well as it is new to all the app developers, and this is quite a barrier.

The framework size is vast. Therefore, the apps are prominent in dimensions. This is detrimental and used in app development today.

1- Restricted Set of Tools and Libraries:

Shudder is another cross-stage application improvement structure. Many Flutter capacities are in alpha and beta testing and may not consistently work as expected. Moreover, you can’t get the essential capacities in the current library at times, in light of the fact that the stage is as yet being settled. Vacillate will invest in some opportunity to make the essential apparatuses, extend usefulness and foster the local area.


2 -Huge File Size:

Current clients would rather not penance their main tune or game for the following application, so one of the principle errands of the designer is to make the littlest application size. To limit code size, software engineers go to various stunts: they don’t utilize movements, lessen pictures, and utilize at least bundles and libraries.

The structure shows unfortunate outcomes. 4 MB Flutter application, on different stages it has a load of 500Kb. Maybe Google will fix this weakness, yet until it produces results.


3 – Powerless iOS highlights support:

The way that Flutter is a Google item makes the nature of help for iOS applications more regrettable. In the event that the greater part of the SDK capacities on Android work accurately, there are issues with iOS. For instance, while capturing on Apple gadgets, the application erases all EXIF ​​data. Along these lines, the photograph is shown with some unacceptable direction, without area, without date, without the right gamma. Today, iOS extraordinary elements (VoiceOver, Guided Access, Captioning, and Audio Description) are for all intents and purposes not carried out.


Read More: Flutter vs Ionic


Conclusion on Kotlin vs Flutter:

So there you have it, we have discussed the detailed comparison between Kotlin and Flutter(Kotlin vs Flutter). If you are looking to hire Flutter developers or to hire Kotlin developers then do contact us at enquiry@nimapinfotech.com with your requirements.


Nevertheless, today, Kotlin has understood, well defined to enable how to enter the opposition while also providing everyone a vast choice with other frameworks like Flutter. From the sources employed in Google’s headquarters, Flutter has made its impression in the programming space and its consideration across the globe and as well as the community among the cross-platform app developers.


On the other hand, according to Statista, Kotlin ranks in the top categories. Ranked in the most popular 10 most wanted programming languages. This is ideal news that is widespread and enables the use of the language among developers worldwide as of 2020-2021.

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Pros & Cons of Kotlin for Android App Development https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-for-android-development/ https://nimapinfotech.com/kotlin-for-android-development/#respond Tue, 21 Jul 2020 13:24:40 +0000 https://nimapinfotech.com/?p=13402 The most important announcement made by Google was the first-class support for Kotlin on Android.  This is similar to Swift for iOS development, Kotlin has been able to bring up a number of questions. Above all, business owners and proprietors who are running successful apps. They are the ones that are only willing to enter...

The post Pros & Cons of Kotlin for Android App Development appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

The most important announcement made by Google was the first-class support for Kotlin on Android.  This is similar to Swift for iOS development, Kotlin has been able to bring up a number of questions. Above all, business owners and proprietors who are running successful apps. They are the ones that are only willing to enter the Android market. All that they want to know if it makes sense to use the newly adopted programming language Kotlin over the traditional stack.

What is important that you should Know About Kotlin? (Pros & Cons of Kotlin)

Kotlin is a programming language that is increasingly powerful. It is a statically-typed programming language. This language runs on Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This was built by the JetBrains company, the development company that was behind TeamCity, YouTrack, and a number of IDE solutions, the Kotlin language is completely open-source.

The language is not relatively or quite new. However, the interest of developers for Kotlin peaked a couple of months ago. This was due to following the announcement about its official support as first-class Android development language at Google I/O 2017.

Slowly but surely this language rose in popularity and the language, for the first time entered into the top 50 languages in June, according to TIOBE Index, over 30 positions up since May.

The language is rapidly gaining adoption. According to the information that is given on the official website of the language. Some of the leading technology companies, including Atlassian, Pivotal, as well as giants like Uber, Pinterest, Evernote, are actively using and implementing Kotlin for their Android apps.

If you as a business owner are considering joining the lineup, make sure you are aware of the benefits as well as possible pitfalls of this technology. Here are some of the insights into the Kotlin programming language that might interest you.


Pros & Cons of Kotlin

Kotlin adopts a sober minded strategy by excluding elements, for example, having its own form framework or bundle director since open source instruments, for example, Gradle and Maven as of now handle this well. Having its own form framework would have broken projects that as of now use Gradle and Maven.

One more sober minded approach for Kotlin was to not re-carry out the whole Java assortments system. That would have been simple, however the makers additionally needed Kotlin to be viable with the JDK assortment interfaces without breaking any current venture executions.

Another immense advantage of Kotlin is that the majority of its language plan choices zeroed in on keeping up with in reverse similarity with numerous Java and Android projects. For instance, Kotlin actually upholds Java 6 bytecode in light of the fact that the greater part Android gadgets actually run on it.


Kotlin is a Enterprise language

Kotlin isn’t the new child around. It’s been around for a couple of years, despite the fact that it wasn’t creation prepared until 2015. JetBrains created it for addressing pragmatic, genuine improvement issues. Furthermore, not at all like other JVM-based dialects, Kotlin doesn’t come from an intellectual or exploration foundation. It was worked considering the endeavor.

It is continuously enticing to revamp or re-execute everything without any preparation. JetBrains might have done that with Kotlin, however it didn’t. Its objective was not to make something progressive, yet to give something usable and recognizable to current venture designers.



The Pros of Kotlin

Judging by some of the most recent feedback, developers and programmers seem to love Kotlin. Kotlin has announced the first-class language for Android. Kotlin is able to offer a number of improvements as compared to its 22-year old predecessor. So, here are some of Kotlin’s advantages:

1. Increases Your Team’s Productivity

Being Java-based language, Kotlin, however, eliminates the unnecessary as well as obsolescence and cumbersomeness of its predecessor. The language is known to be compact, clear and efficient. It provides developers with a concise and intuitive syntax. As a result because of this, Kotlin can significantly increase team productivity: Programmers told us that it takes less time to write and deploy new code. This directly or indirectly is able to contribute to better code maintainability at scale.

Take the example of, converting the “App Lock” app from Java to the newer language, Kotlin, reduced the total lines of code by 30%, as reported by A. J. Alt, Android developer at Keepsafe.

2. Compatible With Existing Code

One of the major as well as the most well known strong points of Kotlin is that its 100% Java interoperability. The language has been designed to works well with Java itself. This includes all related tools and frameworks, which provide a rich ecosystem. Moreover, this makes it possible for developers and programmers to gradually migrate to Kotlin, or to successfully use both languages within the same project.

3. Maintainability

Built and supported by JetBrains, the company behind Kotlin, Kotlin has stellar support for a number of IDEs, and this includes Android Studio. Using familiar as well as tried and true development tools also contribute to developer productivity as well as gives higher satisfaction.


Also Read: Kotlin vs Java- What to Choose for Android Development


4. Fewer Bugs (and Less QA Time)

Kotlin has a clear codebase.  Kotlin allows for less errors and more stable code in production. The compiler for Kotlin is able to detect all possible errors at compile-time, not at run time. This provides the ability to make Kotlin a safer alternative for Java.

5. Reliable

Compared directly to Swift, Kotlin is a mature language. Kotlin has gone through multiple Alpha and Beta stages before its final 1.0 release. The latest release is also fully and reversely compatible with the previous language versions.

Cons of Kotlin

However, there are many different pitfalls that you need to consider before going all-in with Kotlin in production.

  • Being very close to Java, many developers discover that Kotlin still differs in many aspects. Thus, a certain learning curve is involved for a developer or programmer who wants to switch between languages. Thus, additional investments in training and time must be done.
  • Some developers and programmers reported slower compilation speed as one of the main and major drawbacks of Kotlin. In some cases, Kotlin is able to beat Java in compilation speed, but sometimes it is significantly slower than its predecessor.
  • While Kotlin is rapidly growing in its adoption and usage as the first-class language for Android. It still has a small developer community compared to Java. This leads to limited resources that are available for learning the language as well as training the developers. This thus makes finding the answers to any questions that might arise in the process of app development difficult. Take for instance, searching for Kotlin on StackOverflow returns just over 3,600 posts tagged with Kotlin. Compared to over 1,000,000 Java-related posts.
  • As Kotlin is still relatively new to most of the developers and programmers, it might be hard to find experienced professionals in this domain. According to information that is available on indeed.com. The number of job postings featuring Kotlin skyrocketed after Google I/O.


Read More: Pros and Cons of Android App Development



So now you know the Pros & Cons of Kotlin used for android app development. If you are looking to hire kotlin developers for your project then simply contact us at enquiry@nimapinfotech.com with your requirements. We have experienced developers ready to onboard your project with a full satisfaction guarantee.


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