VueJs Developer - Nimap Infotech Fri, 28 Jul 2023 06:32:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 VueJs Developer - Nimap Infotech 32 32 How to Hire Vue.js Developers: A Comprehensive Guide Fri, 28 Jul 2023 06:32:15 +0000 Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that has grown in popularity since its release. Many businesses are seeking for Vue.js engineers to work on their projects. However, because it takes time for software engineers to understand this framework, the need for Vue.js expertise is undeniably great. Recruiters must also know what questions to ask Vue.js engineers...

The post How to Hire Vue.js Developers: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that has grown in popularity since its release. Many businesses are seeking for Vue.js engineers to work on their projects. However, because it takes time for software engineers to understand this framework, the need for Vue.js expertise is undeniably great. Recruiters must also know what questions to ask Vue.js engineers to make the best hiring. Our guide on how to hire Vue.js developers covers all of the information you need to hire Vue.js expertise for your firm.


What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to create single-page apps and user interfaces. Although it is a leaner framework, Vue.js has many features in common with Angular.js. Vue.js developers may independently work on the front-end and back-end by employing the MVVM (model-view-view-model) paradigm, which divides the graphical user interface and business logic. Other significant Vue.js capabilities include data binding, event handling, built-in directives, routing, etc.


Why does your company need a Vue.js developer?

Every business needs a strong online presence to attract new clients and maintain existing ones. Vue.js engineers are experts in front-end programming, with experience managing the visual user interfaces of high-end websites and single-page applications. They are often well-versed in HTML and CSS and can quickly incorporate additional technologies into the framework. In addition, code generated by Vue.js developers is easier than code written by other JavaScript frameworks such as React and Angular.

Vue.js development services enable businesses to launch tiny applications quickly. The Company must assess both, soft and technical talents to hire Vue.js developers. At the same time, it saves time and money by allowing Vue.js developers to reuse web components from previously produced websites and apps, eliminating the need for developers to construct things from scratch. 



Also Read: A Complete Guide to Outsource Java Development Projects



Benefits of hiring Vue.js developers


Easy to understand:

Vue.js has a straightforward framework, making integrating into any website or project simple. Developers using Vue.js may keep their information, strategies, and lifecycle mechanisms separate.


Single-file component:

Vue.js developers benefit from working with single-file components. This allows them to keep their JavaScript code, HTML, and CSS in a single file.


Virtual DOM:

Vue.js developers benefit from Virtual DOM, which allows for simple adjustments. Virtual DOM appears as JavaScript structures that absorb all DOM-directed modifications. These modifications are then contrasted with the original data structure. Only the final updates are visible to users in the actual DOM.


Server framework support:

Vue.js works with a variety of server frameworks, including Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and others. Vue.js developers require the secure API provided by these frameworks to construct data-driven interfaces. They may also use multiple design patterns for full-stack setups and combine them with real-time data via web rockets for secure applications.


Computed properties:

This Vue.js feature eliminates the need for further writing by listening to any changes made to the UI element and generating the relevant logic. When dealing with property mutation of interdependent data properties, Vue.js developers just need to utilize a calculated property. Modifications made to the dependent property by Vue.js developers will activate the computed property by activating its logic. Additionally, calculated properties are saved according to their conditions, allowing them to be replayed in the event of subsequent dependence changes.


Two-way data binding:

One of the most common features praised by Vue.js developers is the two-way data binding it provides. Vue.js, in contrast to other frameworks that only provide one-way communication, supports two-way communication. Vue.js developers may easily pass on UI changes to data and data changes to UI.


Seamless integration:

Vue.js’s smooth interoperability with other JavaScript frameworks is one of its most popular features. Vue.js developers may simply modify the current website and application code. They may also leverage components from existing JavaScript frameworks in their application. Because of its multi-view-view-model design, Vue.js developers can use HTML blocks in the same way as JavaScript developers can.


Which skills are required to evaluate Vue.js developers? 

To hire Vue.js developers for your company, you must assess them on both soft and technical talents. This is due to the fact that they will not be working only for your team in-house. They will need to attend customer meetings at some time, whether to brief a new product or to make adjustments to an existing one. Some basic required skills should be time management, communication skills, teamwork, punctuality, and transparency in work. Apart from these technical skills that are required are as follows.


Technical skills:



Vue.js developers must be well-versed in CSS, which determines document display written in HTML, as well as HTML required to create web pages. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the pillars of single-file components used by most Vue.js developers. To show objects effectively on web pages and applications, Vue.js developers must be well-versed in HTML and CSS.


Vue CLI:

Vue CLI knowledge is required for developers since it allows them to access front-end development tools, linking them with logical defaults and allowing for simple customization. Developers can also design their own presets and plugins.



Vue.js developers require a GitHub account to store their progress while making modifications to their code or developing new code. Furthermore, GitHub allows other engineers to make changes to an existing codebase, which is why it is required technical expertise for applicants.


Modern and basic JavaScript:

JavaScript is essential for Vue.js developers since it allows them to produce efficient and easy-to-read code. This is because the data presented in Vue.js is dynamic rather than static. Furthermore, new JavaScript versions are published every year, thus only Vue.js developers who are completely familiar with the fundamental version may enhance their expertise. Candidates must be able to answer questions about fundamental JavaScript. You may also test their knowledge of new features like template literals and object deconstruction.



Read More: A Complete Guide to Hire Laravel Developer



How hiring a Vue.js developer with Nimap Infotech can help?

Nimap Infotech enables businesses to hire Vue.js developers with the click of a mouse. Provides a worldwide pool of Vue.js and software engineers that are experts in over 100 skills and technologies. After the evaluation and selection process, our developers are available to hire within 1 hour. Till now we have worked globally with 200+ reputed clients. 

Bring your dream projects to reality by hiring dedicated developers from Nimap Infotech.

The post How to Hire Vue.js Developers: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

Angular vs Vue Thu, 19 Jan 2023 07:04:22 +0000 Initially, many software developers wanted to create their own frameworks, such as Knockout, Backbone, and Marionette. This led to a high turnover rate as developers had to constantly learn new frameworks. However, the situation has changed and now three frameworks, React, Angular, and Vue, have established themselves as the dominant players. Both Angular and Vue...

The post Angular vs Vue appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

Initially, many software developers wanted to create their own frameworks, such as Knockout, Backbone, and Marionette. This led to a high turnover rate as developers had to constantly learn new frameworks. However, the situation has changed and now three frameworks, React, Angular, and Vue, have established themselves as the dominant players. Both Angular and Vue have similar syntax. These technology stacks are invented to solve a particular computing problem and help create awesome applications and programs that helps the people achieve things. We will compare & contrast Angular and Vue (Angular vs Vue) in this post to assist you to decide whether to include them in your tech stack. 


What is Angular?

Google’s Angular framework is a JavaScript framework for building complex web applications. It offers developers a robust collection of tools and functionality for creating complicated web apps.

Angular has a component-based design, which enables quick updates and display of big data sets. It also supports two-way data binding, allowing for real-time user interface modifications. Angular also includes a robust collection of built-in directives. And services and a powerful command-line interface. For developing, testing, and deploying applications.


What is Vue?

Vue is a well-known JavaScript framework for developing online apps.

A collection of independent developers created and maintain Vue, and it is been noted for its simplicity and ease of use. Vue has a more straightforward one-way data flow, which might be more efficient for smaller projects. It also offers an easy-to-understand syntax and a straightforward framework. Making it a popular choice for novices and small-scale applications.


Advantages of Angular:

Here are a few of the noticeable advantages of using the Angular framework:

1. Deep Linking Module:

Developers and programmers get a wide linking module from Angular due to its single-page app development. It helps programmers and developers understand the way Ajax functions and they are able to add its benefits to your app project.


2. Server-Side Rendering:

Angular framework offers better features and functions that facilitate server-side rendering to increase the speed of the client-side page. It produces and allows the development more SEO-friendly JavaScript framework.

3. Filters and Tools:

Angular offers a variety of different tools and filters, tools, as well as features to create a faster and better development environment. These features incorporate and provide support for Node 10, a preview of Ivy, virtual scrolling, lazy loading, etc.

4. Separation of Concerns:

The MVC (Model-View-Controller) model helps in concerns’ separation for coding components. And Angular follows the same. Thereby, it gradually increases the speed for faster and cleaner development.

5. Scope Update with CLI:

Developers and programmers can easily install and use Angular CLI. It provides mobility that professionals demand with easier commands and efficient testing tools. Many platforms support it for helping developers update all the app elements.

Furthermore, it incorporates third-party libraries and APIs.

6. Testing and Maintenance:

Angular IO offers some advanced options for debugging as well as refactoring that help developers and programmers in maintenance and testing procedures. Furthermore, it may analyse the entire project in a single pass using a single testing tool such as Protractor, Jasmine or Karma. Also, it reduces the hassle of programmers and developers to make sure highly efficient outcomes.

Hire Angular Developer


Advantages of Vue:

A popular front-end JavaScript framework, Vue.js offers the following advantages and makes app development easier:

1. Ease of Learning:

Vue CLI falls under the category of one of the most famous JS frameworks in 2019. In comparison with other frameworks incorporating Angular, its CLI is basic and is going to be very fundamental.

Apart from this, it has updated and superb documentation. This is why it has become the first choice an option for people who want to enter the development environment.

2. Memory Consumption:

Another advantage of Vue.js development is that the resulting application is as little as 18kb after compression. For this reason, it is the first option to target the user base that makes use of and needs low memory consumption with amazing features and accessibility.

3. Speed of Download:

The app size is one of the prime reasons why developers and programmers like Vue. It contains a minimal app size and thereby, you can download and use the app faster and in a much easier way.

4. Readability:

Since Vue is written in JavaScript and has the property that provides developers with clean codes, anybody can use this framework to read and understand the code easily and efficiently for taking the process of app development further. You don’t need prior programming and development experience to use Vue, although this can provide an added advantage.

5. Server-Side Rendering:

Another advantage of Vue.js is that it allows for server-side rendering. This boosts the speed of the execution for functions of pages on the client end, which gradually provides a better and much-enhanced and cleaner user experience.

6. Scope of Integration:

Vue.js aids and provides an easier and simpler integration procedure. This is why developers and programmers prefer it for both creating single-page apps from the beginning as well as the facilitation of integration of high-end elements into the present one.

Hire Vue Developer


Angular vs Vue Comparison

Point of Difference 



Community It is a large community since it is the oldest. Because it is given by Google Developer, the code contributed by the community is secure. As it has not been created by a tech company, the community is largely made up of open source contributors and freelancers.
Cases Apps on a large scale, in real time, and expandable. Apps aimed at early market launch, lightweight apps, and user-friendly apps.
Performance Angular is well-known for its robust two-way data binding, which makes it well-suited for large-scale corporate applications. Vue has a more straightforward one-way data flow, which might be more efficient for smaller projects.
Scalability The architecture of Angular is better suited for large-scale corporate applications. Vue works well for smaller projects and progressive web apps.


Feature of Angular:

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for developing web apps. It is well-known for its robust features and ease of use, making it a popular option among developers. In this tutorial, we’ll go over some of Angular’s important features, such as:


  • Cross-Platform:

Angular is a cross-platform framework, which means it is used to create web, mobile, and desktop apps. As a result, it is a flexible tool that may create various applications.


  • Angular Material and the Component Development Kit (CDK):

Angular includes a collection of tools called the CDK. Angular Material assists developers in creating high-quality, consistent user interfaces. Hence, this enables developers to design applications that appear professional and are simple to use.


  • Virtual Scrolling:

Angular has a virtual scrolling capability that enables the short presentation of long data lists. This feature enables the programme to manage massive volumes of data while maintaining performance.


  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture:

Angular employs the MVC architecture. It divides the application into distinct components that can be easily managed and reuse. Moreover, it simplifies the development and maintenance of large, complicated applications.


  • High Speed & Performance:

Angular is, meant to give fast speed and the best performance. It employs a strong change detection technique to guarantee that the programme stays quick and responsive even when the data and user interface change.


  • Directives:

Angular has a robust collection of directives that uses to extend the functionality of user interface components. These directives puts in animations, custom components, and other things.


  • TypeScript:

TypeScript, is a JavaScript superset that includes optional types and other capabilities to write code in Angular. This strengthens Angular and makes it easier to work with, especially for large, complicated projects.


  • Less Code Framework:


Angular is a less code framework, which indicates that it takes less code to do the same functions as other frameworks. This makes it more efficient and user-friendly, especially for new framework developers.


  • Data Binding:

Angular has a robust data binding framework that enables simple two-way data binding between the model and the display. However, it makes it simple to maintain the user interface up to date with the data.

Angular offers a robust collection of capabilities, making it a popular choice among developers. Its cross-platform features, fast speed and optimal efficiency, MVC design. Minimal code framework, virtual scrolling, directives, TypeScript support, data binding, and CDK. Angular Material make huge, complicated apps easier to create and manage.


Feature of Vue:

Vue is a well-known JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces. It has several characteristics that make it an effective tool for developers. In this tutorial, we will go through some of Vue’s important features, such as:


  • Complexity:

Vue is simple to understand and use, even for inexperienced developers. It is a lightweight, straightforward framework that enables developers. To construct and expand their apps.


  • Data Binding:

Vue has a robust data binding framework that enables simple two-way data binding between the model and the display. This implies that when the model’s data changes. The view immediately updates, and vice versa. This makes it simple to maintain the user interface up to date with the data.


  • Virtual DOM:

Vue’s usage of a virtual DOM is one of its defining characteristics. The virtual DOM is an in-memory replica of the actual DOM that is lightweight.

The virtual DOM updates first when changes, made to the data in a Vue application, then the changes are then mirrored in the actual DOM. It also enhances the efficiency of updates and user interface modifications.


  • CSS Transitions and Animations:

Vue includes built-in support for creating transitions and animations to user interface components. Developers may use this to generate seamless, animated effects as items are also can add, delete or modify.


  • Run-time Performance:

Vue is, intended to be quick, with a minimal footprint and rapid user interface changes. Hence, guarantees that the programme functions smoothly and that the user has a positive experience.


  • Template:

Vue supports using HTML templates to determine the structure of the user interface. These templates are then converted into JavaScript code that can run in any browser. This makes it simple to develop and maintain the user interface framework.


  • Flexibility and Modularity:

Vue is, meant to be versatile and modular. Allowing developers ty construct and grow their applications. It is always used in many situations, from simple single-page applications to large, complicated systems.


  • Optimization:

Vue has techniques for optimizing and improving application speed. Like lazy-loading and asynchronous updates. Also allows the programme to execute smoothly and effectively even if the data and user interface change.


  • Computed Properties:

Vue supports computed properties. Cached values that update as their dependents change. Overall it is, handy for computing values in the application based on other data.

Vue has several capabilities that make it an effective tool for creating user interfaces.

Vue’s Virtual DOM, data binding, and CSS transitions & animations make designing dynamic. And also interactive user interfaces are easy. Templates, computed properties and optimization tools. Also, make maintaining and growing the application simple.


Also Read: What is the difference between Node vs React vs Angular in front-end web development




  • Syntax

Particularly, although the syntax of the two frameworks is similar, the use cases for Angular and Vue are different. The history of each framework exemplifies these use cases.

Both of these technologies have similar kind of syntax and both are easy to learn for beginners and novice programmers and developers.

Angular is a highly popular corporate solution. Many banks, financial institutions, and backend developers prefer to use Angular as their development framework. Angular is supported by Google and has been adopted by well-known companies such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and PayPal. 


Some popular websites made using Angular:

AT&T Uverse, Google Adwords, HelloFresh, PayPal Community, Upwork, NBA, Tesla, Stack share.

Evan You, a former Google employee, created Vue. Evan’s prior experience at Google working on Angular provides him with a comprehensive understanding of Angular’s capabilities. Vue aims to efficiently construct fast and progressive JavaScript applications.

Firms such as Alibaba, GitLab, and Grammarly rely on Vue.js, and it appears that these companies recognise the benefits of Vue.js.

Angular is commonly used for developing enterprise application clients and is considered a more robust and mature framework. However, this also means it may take longer to develop applications with Angular. Vue, on the other hand, is well-suited for creating simple, high-performing applications and for quickly prototyping ideas. 


Some popular websites made using Vue:

9Gag, Behance, Gitlab, Nintendo, MindStamp, Vice,, FontAwesome 

To get a sense of current Angular and Vue usage, below are the total number of downloads from NPM by developers in the previous year:


  • Github Activity

The GitHub activity of Vue and Angular is noteworthy. Vue has a higher number of stars and forks compared to Angular. As of this writing, Vue has 18.2k forks and 130k stars, while Angular has 11.8k forks and 45.3k stars, indicating that Vue has gained more widespread popularity. However, Angular leads in terms of contributions with 845 compared to 260 for Vue, which is expected given Angular’s longer history. 

Angular being more mature than Vue framework, the latter has more forks and stars as proved in Github developer activities.


  • Experience of Developers

The State of Js 2018 Survey suggests that Vue.js has some advantages over Angular. The survey found that Vue’s average salary offers are comparable to Angular’s, and significantly fewer developers abandon Vue after trying it compared to Angular. Additionally, a similar number of experienced developers are willing to work with both Vue and Angular, but a large number of developers have reportedly abandoned Angular for alternatives such as Vue and React. Furthermore, the survey indicates that more people are interested in learning Vue than Angular. 

When using these technologies the main point is that the developer experience also matters the most when it comes to using a particular technology stack or framework. 

In addition time, the employment market continues to prefer Angular over Vue. Angular is losing ground in terms of job opportunities, while Vue is gaining traction. This article on highlights this trend clearly.  Angular employment opportunities are far more common in most areas than Vue job possibilities. As Angular is losing ground, it will be interesting to watch how the tendencies in 2019-20.


  • Runtime performance

This section concludes with a lot of interesting numbers regarding runtime performance. In most measures, both Angular and Vue are green, or at worst yellow. Only one measure is detrimental to Angular: the non-keyed Script Bootup Time. A comparison of Angular 227.6 vs Vue 56.9 clearly demonstrates the cost of Angular inclusion. In applications, Vue is the natural choice where there is restrictions of space and memory. Depending on generic data, Angular’s weak points include startup & memory allocation, whereas it surpasses Vue in runtime metrics. Both of these technologies provide adequate performance when it comes to the design and development of single page applications and web based application implementations.


Read More: Why should you Hire Angular Developer for Web App Development?


Conclusion- Angular vs Vue:

In conclusion, Angular and Vue are both powerful JavaScript frameworks that can be used to build complex web applications. Angular, being a fully-featured framework developed and maintained by Google. Large-scale enterprise applications requiring a high level of scalability and maintainability are a wonderful fit for Angular.

On the other hand, Vue is a more lightweight and flexible framework that is well-suited for small to medium-sized projects. It is especially well-liked among programmers who like a more incremental method of building web apps.

Ultimately, the choice between Angular and Vue will depend on the specific requirements of your project and the preferences of your development team. Hope you like this blog on Angular vs Vue. Do check our other blogs. And if you are looking for Web App Development click on the banner below and share your details with the requirement.



The post Angular vs Vue appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

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Angular vs React vs Vue: Which Front End Framework to Choose? Mon, 24 Feb 2020 13:43:59 +0000 This post is an exhaustive aide on which is maybe the right answer for you: Angular versus React versus Vue. Only several years prior, engineers were principally discussing whether they ought to utilize Angular versus React for their undertakings. Yet, throughout the span of the most recent few years. We’ve seen a development of interest...

The post Angular vs React vs Vue: Which Front End Framework to Choose? appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

This post is an exhaustive aide on which is maybe the right answer for you: Angular versus React versus Vue.

Only several years prior, engineers were principally discussing whether they ought to utilize Angular versus React for their undertakings. Yet, throughout the span of the most recent few years. We’ve seen a development of interest in a third player called Vue.js.

Assuming that you are an engineer beginning on an undertaking. We can’t settle on which JavaScript structure to utilize, this guide should assist you with settling on a choice.

Angular versus React versus Vue

Here we’ll cover different parts of Angular, Vue, and React to perceive how they suit your requirements. This post isn’t simply an aide on Angular versus React versus Vue however means to give a design to assist with making a decision about front-end JavaScript structures overall. On the off chance that another system shows up the following year, you will know the very thing boundaries to check out!



Nowadays developers have many options when it is about choosing a particular front end framework. But often how programmers define which one is the best for the project, is the easiest to learn, and provides you with many job opportunities. In this article, we will compare three popular front end technologies Angular vs React vs Vue in order to make the choice easier for you. Let’s have a look at the results.


Brief Introduction

Angular is a framework that has been developed as well as maintained by Google. It has been the most mature technology from the three. This framework has been existing since 2010. Angular makes use of TypeScript, which is an advanced version of JavaScript. The framework has been very comprehensive, so when you start working on it, you will not require any additional libraries or tools. This is a perfect choice of technology especially if you are working on large scale comprehensive as well as complex projects that need rich functionality.


React was created by the Facebook development team in 2013 as a cross-platform software that utilizes JavaScript. React is not a typical framework, but it is a library, so this solution is not as complex and self-sufficient as Angular is. However, React made to be more flexible, developers can choose themselves which tools and libraries to supplement it with.

Moreover, the mobile solution that React provides, the React Native is one of the major leading technologies for Android and iOS apps, that surpasses NativeScript for Angular and VueNative by a considerable margin. React used for building solutions of any type or scope, but it should mostly used for complex web development and native apps.


Vue, on the other hand, is related to Google, that is it was developed by the company’s ex-employee Evan You and was initially released in 2014. An open-source JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. This solution being relatively new compared to others. The stable release was put out for the public on February 12, 2019. Vue is lightweight, however it is not as complex as Angular, developers need to set up some additional tools for customizing it. Vue is apt for building small and medium-sized web solutions as well as single-page applications.


Angular vs React vs Vue: Which framework has the highest popularity?

When you compare the stars that each of these technology has, React was a leader among the IT fans for about 5 years, until Vue recently surpassed it in September 2018. We are unable to tell if Vue will be able to hold this position in the future, but the current trend looks like the following:


Which Framework is used most?: Angular vs React vs Vue


However, Github shows only a single part of the story that is the most favored technology among developers at a particular time. In order to check which topic is the most trending among the general public, you can have a look at Google Trends Graph:


Statistics of Angular vs React vs Vue


We used VueJS instead of Vue to prevent conflicts with the famous Cinema chains having the name “Vue”. VueJS got a significantly lower interest in the past 5 years compared to  Angular and React. Angular, a leader for search queries until Feb 2018, when it got surpassed by React. Both these technologies have similar graphs indicating the interest in them.  Somehow they all should positively correlate.


Another interesting source that can be considered is the StackOverFlow Developer Survey for 2018 that sums up the insights for about 100000 programmers. This report indicates that the top 12 frameworks, libraries and tools that are the most popular. Interestingly Angular and React hold 2nd and 3rd place in the rankings respectively. The two technologies lost to NodeJS. VueJS did not manage to be in the top rankings here.


Which one has the strongest community support for users?

Because Angular and React backed by technology giants such as Google and Facebook.  They have strong support for increased growth, Both these companies work constantly for providing continued support as well as incremental updates and improvements, thus ensuring the sound development of these technologies.


Vue’s team, not so well known compared to these two, however, they also make regular releases and well-maintained migrations.


When we talk about the most famous and high profile users of these technologies. Angular, widely used and popular among developers in Google, Forbs, WhatsApp, Instagram, and others. React used by Facebook, Uber, Netflix, Twitter and PayPal and many more. Vue, a tool used by popular companies like Alibaba, GitLab, Baidu, and others.


When we take a look at the GitHub community, we are able to see that React is a favorite technology here, with 1282 contributions, Second place goes to Angular with 849 contributions and followed by Vue with 260 contributors.



Read also: AngularJS VS Node JS



Where are more Job Opportunities?

When we compare these frameworks with the Job Opportunities that it provides, a popular developer skills organization, HackerRank compares these frameworks in their recent HackerRank Developer Skills Report 2019. Angular has been the most popular framework that developers know about. However, the percentage of respondents that indicated the knowledge of React increased by 6% compared to last year thus making it the 3rd most known framework. Vue.js holds the ranking in the 9th place which is not a bad result. It also means that there are not many developers that know and have the skills to use this tool and those successful in mastering this tool will have a competitive advantage over the others.


Report on Different Frameworks used by Developers


We gauge another interesting insight from this report. This is that React has been able to show the biggest gap in demand and supply. This is of the developers that know this tool. While the amount of developers skilled in Angular surly is high.  The demand for them is just slightly higher than leaves not much space for newcomers. On the other hand, Vue shows the biggest gap in the demand and supply. This correlation thats there is a big unsatisfied demand for coders working with this tool.


Statistics of how frameworks hiring managers wnat vs. frameworks developers know


If we compare the learning curves for these technologies, then we come to know that Angular is a steep one, which means that it is quite hard to learn. React is a bit simpler, yet complicated to learn, while Vue is considered to have the smallest learning curve, it is the easiest tool from the mentioned three.


Angular vs React vs Vue




Used for single page applications Used for web development and single page applicatoins Vue used for web development
Community is huge Community is huge Vue community is small
Backed by Google Backed by Facebook No company backing
Developers need to know Typescript Programmers and Developers need to know JavaScript Developers and programmers need to know JavaScript
Angular is a framework React is a platform based framework Vue is a web development framwork
Angular is used mostly for google products React is used for facebook products Vue is used for overall web development
No Native app designing is supported  Native app designing is supported by React Native framework No Native app designing is supported.
Angular was initially released by google on 14th september 2016 React was initially released by facebook on 29th may 2013 Vue was released on February 2014
Angular is a heavy framework and has a larger footprint React is a heavy framework and has a larger footprint Vue is a small framework and has a smaller footprint
It is used in web development and single page app devleopment. Used for Web development and single page app development. Used mainly for web development.
Developers and programmers have a steep learning curveq Programmers and Developers have a medium to steep learning curve Developers and programmers have a light to easy learning curve


Also Read: Which Technology is Better- React JS or Vue JS?


Conclusion: So which Framework is the best? (Angular vs React vs Vue)

The answer to this question depends on the type as well as the scope of your project.  The skills of your team, the budget as well as your personal preferences. Angular is more self-sufficient whereas React is more Flexible. Vue is easier to learn and shows a deficit in developer supply. If you prefer TypeScript, opt for Angular.  If your need is to build a single page application then opt for Vue.

Hire Vuejs Developers in Dubai, UAE


The post Angular vs React vs Vue: Which Front End Framework to Choose? appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

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Which Technology is Better- React JS or Vue JS? Fri, 20 Sep 2019 04:59:42 +0000 It is evidently and has been made clear that JavaScript has evolved to become one of the most popular and also being widely utilized frameworks that are designed for creating web applications. As the time is progressing, the developers as well as the designers are getting access to more of front-end development tools and techniques,...

The post Which Technology is Better- React JS or Vue JS? appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

It is evidently and has been made clear that JavaScript has evolved to become one of the most popular and also being widely utilized frameworks that are designed for creating web applications.

As the time is progressing, the developers as well as the designers are getting access to more of front-end development tools and techniques, which often make the selection process trickier.

However, quite manifestly so, the choice that developers and business owners needs to be made on the basis of the project requirements and the expertise of the development team.

One of the two most popular frameworks that use JavaScript is to React  JS and Vue JS. There have been many blog topics that describe the benefits offered by React JS and Vue JS (Reactjs vs Vuejs). As such, both frameworks are comparatively viable options when one is looking to advance in JavaScript technologies.

Every one in a while a technology comes in that is designed to solve problems currently faced by other technologies. The technology takes some time to become mature. The technology changes are evident and helps developers overcome the challenges that were previously being faced in the previous technology.


Nevertheless, learning any of the two technologies can easily demand time and effort. Therefore when programmers are required to make a choice, which of the two frameworks fills the void gap, that is essential.


So before, we can decide which one should be given preference over the other. Let’s have a brief introduction to both these frameworks.



React JS:

React JS was initially released in May 2013. The framework is used for Front End Development. Even though React JS is considered as a leading JS framework. It is not essentially a framework. It is a front end library that is developed and maintained by Facebook, for creating User Interfaces. Nevertheless, it is considered as an excellent option for developing dynamic and full-scale applications.


One of the features truly appreciated by many developers is the concept of a virtual DOM. The virtual DOM is capable of being rendered from both sides, the client-side as well as the server-side. React JS provides a high-performance rendering of complicated user interfaces. Many companies such as BBC, PayPal, and Netflix use React JS other than Facebook, and Instagram.



Vue JS:

Vue JS was initially released on February 2014. It is used majorly for Front End Development. Vue JS was developed by Evan You.  Vue JS is an open-source JavaScript framework that has immense potential which is presently being exploited by web developers from all across the globe. Some of the companies that use Vue JS are Adobe, Grammarly, Xiaomi, Euro-news, Alibaba.


From all the JavaScript frameworks that were developed, when it comes to simplicity, nothing can beat Vue JS. Moreover, it is one of the fastest-growing JS frameworks that enables updating models and view via two way data binding.


Vue.JS draws inspiration from a variety of different frameworks including Knockout JS, Angular JS,  Rivets JS and especially React JS. Because of this, there are several similarities between React JS and Vue JS including server-side rendering as well as usage of a virtual DOM.



Reactjs vs Vuejs: Which is learner-friendly?

So now we have got familiarized with React JS and Vue JS Frameworks, it is essential to decide which one to grasp first. Honestly, it depends on the personal preference of the programmer, what things he or she needs to achieve by using the framework. To ease the decision-making process, we are going to discuss some important differences between the two frameworks.


1) Resources available and community support:

Of course, being supported by the world’s biggest social media giants namely Facebook and Instagram, it is not something trivial. Throughout its phase of over 5 years, React JS has gained huge popularity as well as support from a wide community, which has been constantly expanding. All thanks go to the strong community backing, React JS developers receive instant help from other senior developers all around the world. Moreover, there are plentiful resources and libraries available for the leading JavaScript framework React JS.


Even though Vue JS was released a couple of months after React JS was released, its popularity rose quickly in China. It took some time for the framework to become popular in the Western World. It has a relatively small but very active community.


Since the framework has a comparatively small community, fewer libraries are available in order to extend the functionality of the Vue.js framework. It might take time for the Vue.js community to expand and provide support similar to React.JS’s community or the Angular Community. You can find a good number of Vue.js tutorials that are available online.


2) Data Binding:

Vue JS has the ability to automatically synchronize the complete model with the DOM. The synchronization data can flow in both directions. Hence two-way binding is fully supported. React JS, on the contrary, provides support for only one-way data binding, in this way the view reacts to changes made to the model, but the view cannot affect the model. Data can only flow in a single direction, because of one-way data binding.


3) Documentation:

The amount of documentation that exists for React JS is gigantic. Moreover, as many individuals contribute to it, it can get difficult for users to search for what they are looking for.

On the other hand, Documentation guides, as well as any API references that point to Vue JS, are simpler, and the navigation is easy, so it becomes easy to locate any information. It also becomes easy to implement things, provided you have some experience with JS and HTML.


4) Further Development:

React JS is one of the most rapidly leading frameworks available out there. Maintenance and further development rest on the reliable hands of Facebook and a team of volunteers.

On the other hand, Vue JS is an Open source framework that is constantly expanding. The maintenance and further development are controlled by the original developer and contributor Evan You and the community.


5) Learn-ability:

Another major difference between React JS and Vue JS is the learning curve. React JS is an Elaborate framework that requires some decent amount of time to learn and implement. There is a variety of concepts that are semi-advanced to advanced, helper libraries, and coding practices that can intimidate beginner developers.

Comparatively, Vue JS is a lightweight framework that uses a minimalist approach. Its major feature is that it is easy to implement, this framework is easy to understand also.



Know more: Angular 5 Vs React JS



6) Dependency on third-party technologies:

Because React JS is a JavaScript library, the possibility that a developer can have while working on this framework is limited. It often becomes mandatory for developers to use third-party technologies to extend the functionality of React JS, for this the reliance of developers on third-party libraries and modules becomes mandatory.


Comparatively, Vue.js, on the other hand, is a full-fledged JavaScript framework that is complete and provides several standalone functionalities. Because of this, it offers a wide variety of opportunities. Not only this, there are many third-party modules and libraries that one can use to extend functionality for Vue.js. However, it is not a compulsion to use them.


7) Templates:

Vue JS uses declarative templates. These templates are coded completely in HTML. Hence it is completely readable without the use of any other programming language.

Unlike Vue JS, React JS does not use any templates. Instead of this, it depends on something called as a component model. Although many frameworks now use the component model, it was React who introduced this concept into the market.


The component logic is purely written in JavaScript. This permits for better flexibility, and enables rich data to pass through an application with ease, and hence keeps the state out of the DOM.

These were some of the differences between React JS and Vue JS. Now it should become easier for you to decide which framework to pick up for learning provided you have only a single choice to make for the two leading frameworks. To help you further to decide, the following section highlights the type of applications preferred to build using the two frameworks.


When to use React JS?

  • Dynamic applications: React JS is an apt framework for building applications that require to be re-rendered swiftly. This is due to the JS framework’s ability to instantly reflect data changes in the view.


  • Native Mobile applications: React Native, a framework that was built for building native apps using React, enables developing mobile apps that are almost similar to the ones developed using Java or Objective-C.


  • SPAs: Since React JS is capable of displaying changes in the content on the existing page. It is best suited for developing single-page applications.


When to use Vue JS?

  • Dynamic Performant applications: Similar to React JS, Vue JS is also a great option when it comes to developing dynamic applications. Because it offers better performance than React, it is ideal when it comes to developing high-performance applications that need to be dynamic.


  • SPAs: Vue JS allows applications to change content quickly without reloading the page. Hence it is ideal for developing single-page applications. Note that SPAs developed using Vue JS perform slightly better than those developed using React JS



Which JavaScript Framework should I learn first?

Vue JS is simple and easy to learn while React JS takes much more time and effort. Hence it all depends on your comfort level. These two JavaScript frameworks share basic similarities. So learning one framework will also assist in learning the other.


Different JavaScript frameworks are developed to meet a certain predefined set of requirements. For a JavaScript developer, it is apt to know the working knowledge of several different frameworks.


The field of JavaScript has or the other that comes up every now and then. Hence it is recommended to keep a close watch on the latest JavaScript news and happenings in order to stay relevant in the continuously transforming IT industry.



Read More: ReactJS Vs React Native




React JS and Vue JS are two of the leading JavaScript frameworks. Learning either of them will boost your knowledge and marketability as a JavaScript Developer. Learning both of them is an even better option if you get the time to master them both. React JS and Vue JS have been marketed as a JavaScript technology that is designed to develop and deliver single page applications that work on web technologies. This is to conclude that if you want to pick either of these technologies then it all depends on the personal preferences and the features that you want your application to work with.

If you’re looking to hire React JS developers or looking to hire Vue JS developers then contact us You can also hire Reactjs developer in Dubai and Hire Vuejs Developers in Dubai, UAE We have professional developers who have great experience and knowledge in developing applications using React JS and Vue.jS


The post Which Technology is Better- React JS or Vue JS? appeared first on Nimap Infotech.

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