AngularJS VS NodeJS

AngularJS VS NodeJS


AngularJS VS NodeJS


What is AngularJS?

AngularJS development is a modern-day web application framework, which helps you develop single-page applications. Being an open-source web framework it is mainly maintained and worked by Google.

It first reads the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page which already possesses some custom tag attributes in it. This further interprets those attributes as directives to bind its input/output functions which finally represent it by standard JavaScript variables. AngularJS programming helps you design your codes in a much simpler way reducing all the complexities.

This full-featured JavaScript framework gets all the supportive ideas from Google and other wide community forums to keep it up to date. With the primary goal of simplification, it gives all the users a rich and responsive experience of use.


Advantages of Angularjs:

The following are some important benefits of utilising Angular for front-end web development:


  • Angular developers use TypeScript programming language. It is a superset of JavaScript that includes static type checking and other capabilities to make big and complicated web applications easier to create.


  • Angular features a component-based design. Making it simple to create and manage sophisticated user interfaces.


  • Angular has a number of features and tools that make it simpler to design and maintain big online web applications. It includes dependency injection, routeing, and data binding.


  • Unit testing is well supported in Angular for developers. It is easy to guarantee that your code is valid and maintainable.


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What is Node JS?

Node JS, however, is an open-source cross-platform, built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine. Its easy building operation makes its network applications faster and more scalable. Similar to the AngularJS language, the code of Node JS is also very fast and easy to execute.

The Nodejs server-side application engine is based on the JavaScript V8 engine used in Google Chrome. It allows you to write fast and efficient applications.

For building fast and scalable network applications Node JS uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O models. It makes it lightweight and more efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.


Advantages of Nodejs: 

The following are some important benefits of utilising Node.js for server-side development:


  • Node.js lets you utilise JavaScript for server-side development. It can make building server-side apps easier for web developers who are already comfortable with JavaScript.


  • This allows you to create full-stack web apps using JavaScript. It simplifies development and eliminates the need for distinct front-end and back-end teams.


  • Node.js is based on the same V8 JavaScript engine as Google Chrome. As Node.js has a huge and active community, it is simple to get assistance, libraries, and tools for working with it.


  • It has an event-driven, non-blocking I/O mechanism. Making it efficient and scalable for web applications with many concurrent connections.


  • Node.js allows you to create lightweight and scalable server-side applications. It might be beneficial for constructing microservices or other distributed systems.


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Comparing Features Between Angular & Node: 


  • Core Architecture:

AngularJS was developed by Google as a web application development framework. Unlike other JavaScript frameworks, Angular is written completely in JavaScript. It even follows JavaScript syntax rules. On the other hand, NodeJS was developed as a cross-platform runtime environment based on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. It was written in a number of programming languages – JavaScript, C, and C++.


  • Web Framework:

Unlike NodeJS, AngularJS is a web framework. The developers can use the web framework to automate common development tasks while developing a variety of applications – websites, web applications, web services, and web application frameworks. JavaScript programmers cannot use NodeJS as a web framework. But they have the option to choose from a wide range of NodeJS-based frameworks –, Hapi.js, Meteor.js, Express.js, and Sails.js.


  • Installation:

The developers can write NodeJS applications in JavaScript. But the applications need to run within the runtime environment on various platforms – Windows, Linux, and macOS. Hence, the developers must install NodeJS on their computer system while creating the development environment. On the other hand, the developers are not required to install AngularJS on their computer systems. They can embed the AngularJS files in the codebase just like other JavaScript files.


  • Important Features:

Both NodeJS and AngularJS support the MVC architectural pattern. But each of the two JavaScript-based technologies comes with different sets of features. AngularJS enables programmers to use HTML as a template language. It even allows developers to express various components of a web application by extending HTML syntax. Also, AngularJS simplifies the development of single-page and dynamic web applications by providing features like data binding, scope, directives, filters, templates, routing, deep linking and dependency injection.

On the other hand, NodeJS, as a server-side framework, provides an array of features required by developers to build server-side and networking applications. The developers can avail of the features provided by NodeJS to simplify the development of single-page websites, video streaming sites, and similar I/O intensive web applications. Also, NodeJS helps programmers to use asynchronous APIs and a single-threaded event mechanism while improving code execution speed drastically. The developers can even use NodeJS to make the web applications deliver data in chunks without buffering.


  • Working with Data:

In addition to implementing MVC architectural patterns in a different way, AngularJS further supports two-way data binding. The bidirectional data binding keeps the data between a web application’s model and view components synchronized automatically. But AngularJS does not provide any feature for writing database queries. On the other hand, NodeJS allows programmers to generate database queries in JavaScript. Hence, it becomes easier for programmers to create database queries for non-relational databases like MongoDB and CouchDB by overcoming syntactical differences.


  • Programming Language and Paradigm Support:

Both NodeJS and AngularJS support a number of programming languages in addition to JavaScript. NodeJS supports Ruby, CoffeeScript, and TypeScript, whereas AngularJS supports CoffeeScript, TypeScript, and Dart. Both JavaScript-based technologies even support a number of commonly used programming paradigms. AngularJS supports object-oriented, functional, and event-driven programming paradigms. At the same time, NodeJS supports object-oriented, functional, event-driven, concurrency-oriented, and sub/pub programming paradigms.


  • Use Cases:

AngularJS is used widely by JavaScript developers for building single page and client-side web applications. The features provided by the web framework further make it easier for programmers to write interactive and real-time applications. On the other hand, NodeJS is used widely by developers for building fast and scalable server-side and networking applications. The features provided by the cross-platform runtime environment even help developers to build applications that require real-time collaborative drawing or editing.

On the whole, AngularJS is a client-side framework, whereas NodeJS is a cross-platform runtime environment. JavaScript developers can integrate NodeJS and AngularJS to simplify the development of isomorphic applications. They can even use both AngularJS and NodeJS as two primary components of the MEAN software stack along with MongoDB and ExpressJS.


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AngularJS vs NodeJS: Which is Better for Web Development?

AngularJS and NodeJs both have their own strengths and uses, which makes it difficult to decide which is better for web development. As a runtime environment for JavaScript, NodeJs lets you run JavaScript outside of a web browser. Making it useful for building back-end APIs and other server-side applications.

A component-based architecture and TypeScript programming language. Used to build single-page web applications in AngularJS a front-end web development framework. Ultimately, your specific needs and goals will determine what technology to use. 

AngularJS may be a better choice if you’re building a complex single-page web application. Whereas NodeJS might be a better choice if you’re building a server-side application or API.

You should also consider the programming language and framework you want to use.  Each of these technologies has its own strengths and weaknesses. Hope you like this blog on Angular vs Node. Do check our other blog. You can contact us at if you are looking to hire developers or click on the banner below.




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