Advantages of Java & Disadvantages | Pros & Cons of Java

Advantages of Java & Disadvantages | Pros & Cons of Java

Advantages and Disadvantages of Java


There are very few innovations that can gloat about remaining important for over 20 years. This year, Java cast a ballot for the fifth most famous innovation, obscured simply by undisputed pioneers JavaScript (Reactjs), HTML, CSS, and SQL. While it’s eighteenth on the rundown of most adored in a similar StackOverflow review, it’s likewise way down the rundown in its most-feared position. Today we unwind on the numerous triumphs and difficulties of Java-the respected innovation with the notorious steaming mug of-espresso logo, a language precious to numerous software engineers today.



Found any place you look, java is everywhere. It’s an essential language for Android improvement. You will track down it in web applications, legislative sites, and large information advances like Hadoop and Apache Storm. Furthermore, it’s additionally an exemplary decision for logical ventures, particularly normal language handling. Java is overwhelmingly versatile even in pre-cell phone days-the first portable games in the mid-2000s were generally made in Java.

Along these lines, any reasonable person would agree that Java, on account of its long history, has procured its position in the Programming Hall of Fame. The TIOBE list, which is quite possibly the most trustworthy programming rankings on the planet, uses internet searcher results for estimation. Notwithstanding the developing ubiquity of Go and Python, Java has stayed in the first spot on the list for over 10 years.

Everything began in the mid-1990s when the Sun Microsystems group started fostering a superior variant of C++ effectively compact, amateur agreeable and empowered with computerized memory the executives. The examination brought about the production of a through and through new dialect, and the name was picked from many others hollered out in the gathering room. Today, the logo of a steaming espresso mug is a quiet, generally unmistakable image of programming. What’s more, it’s as of now not clear what started things out – the software engineers’ fixation on caffeine or relationship with java, inseparable from espresso.


The Need for Java

Java has multiple applications, ranging from embedded devices to handheld smartphones. Even the most popular mobile operating system, Android is based on Java. The robotics field is powerful and it uses java for its software-based approach.

Java was born as a platform that can power and use devices and enable them to work anywhere and everywhere. With the objective that a language platform was required, that could work seamlessly. The language should enable cross-platform functionality, hence Java was born. Let’s look at some advantages and disadvantages of Java. Java works best with nodejs so hire nodejs developers and make great applications.


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Advantages of Java and some Disadvantages of Java

  • Java has been known as one of the most-liked and most used programming languages of our time. So we are going to understand the advantages of java primarily.

  • This language has been in existence for more than two decades. Several specialists and professionals believe that Java is one of the most effective programming languages that has been created.

  • It is the most widely-used programming language known to man and it is designed for usage as well as the distributed environment of the Internet. But, it is said that every coin has two faces, and Java has its own pros and cons.

  • We have written about Java’s limitations and benefits. Today, we are going to try and demystify some important pros and cons of Java, which will help you get a clearer view of its work.

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of Java Programming, let’s discuss them one by one:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Java


Advantages of Java:

There are some major and primary advantages of Java; let’s see them.

1. Simple:

Java is straightforward to use as well as easier to use, write, compile, debug, and learn than alternative programming languages. Java is a less complicated concept as compared to C++; as a result, Java also makes use of automatic memory allocation and garbage collection.


 2. Object-Oriented:

Java presents a fully object-oriented language right out of the box. And it permits you to form standard programs and reusable code.

3. Platform-Independent:

Java code is able to run on any machine and doesn’t need any special software to be installed. But the JVM needs to be present on the machine.

4. Distributed computing:

Distributed computing involves the ability to run and execute tasks on several computers on a network working together. It helps in developing applications that run on distributed networks and that can contribute to both data and application functionality.

5. Secure:

Java has no explicit pointer concept. Apart from this, Java has the presence of a robust security manager that defines access to classes.

6. Memory allocation:

In Java, the memory management concept makes use of division. It’s divided into two parts. One is a heap and the other is a stack. Whenever we declare a variable, the JVM gives memory to the variables and arrays for programs from either stack or heap space. It helps to organize and store information and restore it easily.


7. Multithreaded:

It has the potential as well as the ability for Java programs to perform many tasks simultaneously.


8. Rich APIs:

Java is able to offer various APIs for application development. Java APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) enable programmers to use a rich set of commands or methods that define the way of communication among various activities like Database connection, networking, I/O, XML parsing, utilities, and much more.

9. Powerful Opensource Rapid Development Tools:

Over the years of the journey that Java has made, several open source development tools such as, IDEs such as Eclipse and Netbeans have been developed and created with Java as a base. This makes  Java more powerful for application development. IDEs make an application and program development much simpler and easier that provide powerful coding and debugging features.

10. Robust:

Java is one of the most robust programming languages that is available out to programmers and developers. This makes Java more reliable. Java compilers can detect any errors in coding. There are also, many other different sets of features, such as exception handling and garbage collection which make Java more robust.

11. Resource Availability:

There are many and multiple resources and documentation for online java training courses available to learn java. As a beginner programmer, you don’t have to spend a fortune to learn java programming.


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Also Read: Reasons why Java is still the most preferred Programming Language


You understood about advantages of java, Now let’s check the Disadvantages of Java


1. Performance:

Java is memory-consuming, which means it needs a significant amount of memory. Slower than natively compiled languages such as C or C++.

2. Look and Feel:

The default or the predefined look of GUI applications written in Java using the Swing toolkit is very different from native applications.

3. Single-Paradigm Language:

Static imports were available and added in Java 5.0. The procedural paradigm better accommodated than in earlier versions of Java.

4. Memory Management:

In Java, memory managed through the use of garbage collection.  Whenever the garbage collector runs or executes, it affects the performance of the application program. Because of this sole reason, all other threads should stop to allow the garbage collector thread to work.



What are the major uses of Java?/ Where is Java Used Mostly?

Java proficiency clearly indicates a well-liked and sought-after ability. But what does Java programming serve? We briefly discussed a few Java use cases before; we go into more detail on these and additional Java examples further down. Java has a wide range of applications:

  • Gaming consoles:

Game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine use programming languages like C# and C++ when it comes to game production. Java, on the other hand, is a fantastic option if you want to learn how to design games and visuals from scratch. There are several libraries and frameworks available, including LibGDX and OpenGL.

  • Internet-based programmes:

A popular server-side programming language called Java enables to frequently used for creating online apps. Among the most well-liked Java frameworks for building Web applications are Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Apache Hadoop, and JSF. Famous websites like LinkedIn, AliExpress, Amazon, and many others utilise Java as well.

  • Big data:

There are other more well-known programming languages besides Python, which we  utilise in big data. Even still, the majority of programmers favour Java when it comes to Big Data Technology. Java is used by the majority of well-known Big Data technologies, like Hadoop and Deeplearning4j.  Its community is very supportive of Big Data Technology.

  • Internet of Things (IoT):

Java is frequently regarded as the finest language for creating IoT devices by developers. There are various reasons for this, but the main one is that it is a platform-independent programming language. Your total effort will be reduced because you simply need to write your code once and it will function on a range of devices.

Due to its flexibility and portability, it’s also the greatest option for IoT because it’s used for a range of other things in addition to web development, Android development, desktop app development, and more. Java makes integrating many technologies simpler than other programming languages. is used in embedded electronics, certain medical devices, and vehicle navigation systems for these reasons.

  • Apps for Android:

Java is the preferred programming language for Android development, and 46.2 percent of all Android applications are written in Java. It is utilised by Android Studio, the official IDE for creating Android applications. Therefore, developing for Android will be much simpler for you if you are familiar with the Java programming language.

  • Using desktop programmes:

The development of graphical user interfaces for desktop applications using Java is also well-known. The development of GUI applications is simple because to the abundance of Java Frameworks accessible. Among them are Swing, AWT, JavaFX, Griffon, and several other frameworks. Java is an excellent alternative for you if you want to build a desktop application.


Why is Java popular today?

The fact that Java is platform-independent is one of the main factors in its popularity. As long as the computer has a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed, Java programmes may operate on a variety of different computer types.

JRE will work with the majority of computer types, including Windows PCs, Macintosh computers, Unix or Linux systems, big mainframe computers, and mobile phones.

Some of the largest organisations in the world have constructed using this language. Because it was around for such a long time. Java is widely used by banks, shops, insurance firms, utilities, and manufacturing.


Why is Java powerful language?

Because of the JVM. The JVM’s controlled runtime makes it possible for Java programmes to be portable. It’s great to build once and run practically everywhere where exists a JVM. Additionally, it offers a secure setting. Dynamic linking is available in the JVM. This means that changing dependencies does not require recompiling the entire programme.

Java’s static typing enables the development of powerful IDE tools and code generators. Despite being instantly and frequently looked down upon, it does have some positive aspects.

If code generation enables its use, mistakes will decrease and a strong IDE may greatly increase productivity. I believe Java’s current popularity is greatly impacted by this point.

Java has excellent backward compatibility. When upgrading a design, it is a great thing to be able to mix and match dependencies. In most cases, upgrading a project is extremely simple. Dependencies can occasionally increase complexity, although this seldom ever occurs. Compare this to Ruby where, if you wish to change a project’s dependencies, version hell typically breaks free.



Java additionally outscores and performs better than different languages in terms of job opportunities it has to offer. In addition to different pros and cons of Java, it has been on the highest-ranking or the First position on the TIOBE Index for the last three years. I would suggest a beginner must begin his journey by learning Java.

Hope you like this blog on The Advantages of Java and some disadvantages. If you like to hire java developer then do send your query on



1. What are the 3 features of Java?

Java is a popular programming language that is used to create a broad variety of applications. Java’s primary characteristics include the following:

  • Object-oriented programming
  • Independent Platform 
  • Simple & Secure


2. Why is Java so popular?

The major reasons why Java is so popular among developers are its Ease of Programming and its ease of running. Java is a popular programming language because it “writes once, runs anywhere.” Since Java is object-oriented, you can create modular programs and reuse code.


3. What is the Java programming language used for?

As the third-most-popular programming language after Python and C – according to the index, which evaluates programming language popularity – Java is used to build applications on laptops, data centers, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, cell phones, and other devices.


4. What is Java best suited for?

Java is the ideal choice to build and run mobile applications. It scales cloud applications and develops chatbots and other marketing tools.


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