PHP vs Asp. Net: Difference in Beginners Prospective

PHP vs Asp. Net: Difference in Beginners Prospective

PHP vs
Often there is a time when technologies are created to solve simple and complex problems.

These technologies solve a particular computational problem but in the process, multiple drawbacks are created. And the race to develop a technology that overcomes these drawbacks happens. In the computational world there exist many technologies that solve complex server-side web programming problems. Each of these technologies helps achieve a particular objective.

In this article, we are going to compare and contrast two server-side technologies that have been existing for many years now. These are PHP and ASP. Net (PHP vs Asp. Net). We shall discuss in detail about their features and benefits as well as their disadvantages or their cons, as what are the alternative solutions to these disadvantages or cons.


Let us first discuss some basics about these server-side technologies, then will move on to PHP vs Asp. Net


PHP basics:


PHP stands for HyperText Preprocessor, it is also known as Personalized Home Pages. Its files contain PHP statements, HTML code, CSS statements as well as JavaScript code. A user first sends a request to the server in order to fetch a web page. This request is passed to the PHP server who in return executes the PHP page and it equivalent HTML output is created. This HTML output is passed as a response to the User request. The PHP files are executed on the server. PHP files have a the.PHP  extension. It is an interpreted language so there is no need for a compiler to execute PHP. PHP is a server-side scripting language, It is faster than most other scripting languages such as Java Servlet Pages (JSP) and Active Server Pages (ASP).


It is an open source language, and anyone well versed with PHP programming is welcomed to add and contribute to its code repository. PHP is the most popular web programming language, it is widely used all over the world.

  • PHP started its journey in web programming as a small open source project which has evolved drastically over the years into a full-fledged server side web development language. There are a lot of popular databases that can be used and can be integrated efficiently with PHP code. The PHP code is processed by a PHP interpreter which is implemented as a module in a web server.
  • The web server is able to combine the results of its interpreted and executed code PHP code, which could be of any type that includes images. PHP is smugly and zippy in its execution. Its execution works even smoother when it is compiled as an Apache module on the UNIX side. It also provides support for a number of major protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and LDAP.
  • PHP recently added support for Java and distributed object architectures, thus enables multiple tier development a reality for the PHP ecosystem as it was not existent before. PHP has made available a lot of free open source libraries in its source distribution. It provides an internet aware system having built-in modules for accessing FTP servers and many databases. There are various functions that are similar to C Programmers Like the stdio family which are available in standard PHP builds.


PHP Features:


The main feature of PHP is that it is an open source language. Anyone and everyone are allowed to freely download and use PHP as they require. Here are some of the features of PHP programming language:


  • It is simple and easy to learn the language: Anyone with little to no programming language can easily learn PHP and use it.
  • Simplicity: The PHP syntax is simplified and has a high readability rate. Anyone can easily or logically understand what the code is doing.
  • Error Reporting: PHP has a built-in error reporting and debugging feature. Bugs can be easily identified and corrected in the code.
  • Interpreted Language: PHP is an interpreted language which means that the code is not compiled. The use of a compiler is not required.
  • Open Source: Php is an open-source language which means that it is developed and maintained by many developers around the globe. Anyone with programming knowledge can contribute to PHP’s code repository.
  • Case Sensitive: PHP syntax and variables are case sensitive, this means that a variable declared and used should match its declaration type and alphabet case.
  • Efficiency: PHP is a code efficient language and that means that more tasks can be achieved using fewer lines of code.
  • Platform Independence: PHP code can be executed on multiple platforms that is Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc. The code is not dependent on a single platform.
  • Flexibility:  PHP code is very flexible. The developer can use the code as they require.
  • Familiarity: PHP code is similar in syntax to most programming languages. Programmers can easily get acquainted with the code 
  • More Faster: PHP is faster in execution that most server-side programming languages hence it takes less time to render and execute a PHP code request on the web browser
  • Loosely Typed Language: Php is a loosely typed language which means that the data types of a variable declared can be interchanged with another type as required.
  • Real-Time Access Monitoring: PHP provides access by logging all the server requests. It creates a summary of all the recent accesses to the server, this data is beneficial for debugging the server in case of any failures.


Asp. Net

Asp. Net is Microsoft’s answer to server-side programming. We all know how .NET architecture has been popular and Asp. Net attempts to bridge the gap in server-side programming

  • Apart from being a Web development platform, Asp. Net is apt to provide a programming model, a comprehensive software infrastructure as well as various other services that are required to build a robust web application for various devices such as computers and mobile phones. This technology was first released in January 2002 and is a successor to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages(ASP) technology. Asp. Net has been proven to be language independent and this means that developers can make use of any of the Net supported language in order to create .Net applications.
  • C#, as well as VB. Net, are two of the most common languages that are used for writing web applications. VB. Net has its roots and is based on Visual Basic, whereas C# was introduced together with the .Net framework. The Asp. Net framework provides excellent support for HTML, CSS as well as JavaScript. Because it is built-in Common Language Runtime (CLR), this allows programmers to write code using any of the .Net Supported Languages.
  • Asp. Net can be highly utilized in order to create dynamic web pages. It provides a much faster and lightweight way to combine server code with HTML. Developers are able to create elegant websites that conform to the latest web standards. It also allows developers to make use of videos, as well as links to social media websites. Asp. Net has proved to be a robust framework which developers can use to write any type of application. Moreover, we can use any sort of style for creating an application.


Must Read: JAVA vs PHP performance



ASP. Net Features:


  • Strongly-Typed Language:  Asp. Net has strict data type rules that every programmer has to adhere to. The Data Types are not interchangeable with their variables.
  • Bundling and Minification feature: This feature helps you to bundle as well as minimize the size of the script in your programming code.
  • Strongly Typed Data Controls:  The data controls that are used in the Asp. Net language are now strongly typed, and this means that the types are not interchangeable.
  • Robust IDE: Asp. Net provides a robust IDE (Integrated Development Environment) support with built-in error and bug correction features. 
  • Support for GUI and Code Behind: The .Net architecture provides support for drag and drops Elements feature that makes programming and designing very easy. Elements could be coded with its respective GUI forms and can be easily coded to run along with its business logic.
  • Support for MVC: ASP. net now provides full support for Model View Controller architecture where the model and view (GUI elements)  can be separated from each other in different files.
  • Enhanced support for Asynchronous Programming:  Asp. Net now provides enhanced support for asynchronous programming. You can read and write
  • Support for Web Sockets: HTML 5 WebSockets allow you to perform duplex communication between the web server and the client’s browser. It now provides support for Web socket protocols.


Let’s compare PHP and Asp. Net Side by side and see where they stand:

PHP vs Asp. Net Differences


ASP. Net


Asp. Net is a web application framework created and managed by Microsoft. PHP is a server-side application scripting language created by Rasmus Lerdorf.
Asp. Net supports large to medium size enterprise applications. PHP supports small to medium sized web solutions.
When you use Asp. Net there is a license cost attached to it. PHP is freely available to use as it supports open source standards.
The solutions that have been developed using Asp. Net provides a focus on security and the available functionalities. The solutions that have been developed using PHP provides focus on client facing, user interfaces.
There is a dedicated community with fewer developers compared to the PHP community. The community support provided by PHP is huge compared to Asp. Net because of its open source nature.
Asp. Net is a highly secure language environment compared to PHP. There are fewer security features that are provided compared to Asp. Net.
The performance provided by Asp. Net is satisfactory, decent speed is provided for desktop applications. The speed provided by PHP is slow and is unsuitable for desktop applications.
The customizability is less compared to PHP. PHP allows customization compared to Asp. Net.
The amount of bugs that are prone is less. The amount of bugs that is prone is more.
You cannot contribute to code development. You can contribute to the code development.


Related: PHP vs HTML5



We have seen and discussed the various features of these two platforms. Both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. 

If you are looking to develop any kind of PHP or Asp. Net (PHP vs Asp. Net) application or looking to hire PHP developers or to hire developers for solving your business needs, do contact us. You can also hire developer in Dubai, UAE. We at Nimap Infotech will get you in touch with our highly experienced back end development team who will design your web applications as per your requirements.




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