PHP with Laravel or Python with Django, which is best for web development?

PHP with Laravel or Python with Django, which is best for web development?

PHp with laravel or Pyhton with Django (An IT proffesional coding via phython or php)
Firstly, for any kind of web development, as a web developer its better to go with PHP and Laravel over Python and Django. But they’re both great pairings of powerful tools with long futures. Let’s get into the pluses and minuses.

In summary, if you compare the two language wise, PHP is a language designed for the web. It’s made from the ground up specifically for web development and the fastest development language in that environment. PHP 7 also seems to be much more efficient than Python 3. It needs less VPS memory overhead in order to achieve and accomplish the same task. As long as we’re talking about web tasks. (PHP is more performant though, Laravel does not necessarily share that performance.)

PHP with laravel or Python with Django both are equally capable and developed as well as mature frameworks that can get the job done. When it comes to web development, both are equally adept and apt to do the web development task.


Convenience for Web development

Python 3, on the other hand, is useful to know far beyond the web development spectrum.  If you are also into other things. Much like C# is known as the language for modern video game development. Or any kind of cross-platform mobile development. Python is known increasingly as the language for Big Data and AI.  It is also used for machine learning analysis and predictive analysis. the more you are going to use Python with Django, the better suited and abled you will be for these other useful areas in the near future.

There are going to be more web development jobs and tasks for PHP coders. But there are more jobs in general for Python coders as well. It depends on how dedicated you are to the web, as most PHP jobs or gigs will be related to WordPress or, increasingly now, Laravel. PHP is all web designing and development, all the time.

Framework-wise, Laravel also makes you and enables the use of classic, traditional OOPs (object-oriented programming) as well as the MVC (model-view-controller) patterns. You will be very ready to use other robust and solid MVC frameworks. Examples  (like say .NET) after mastering and gaining insights for Laravel. Django is less so, as it’s a little more quirky as well as unique with its MVT patttern (model-view-template) approach. It is a bit less married to the OOP paradigm per se.


It comes down to personal preference and what features you want in your web application. If you want stability and security along with simplicity and out of the box features then you can go with PHP with laravel. If you are looking for a robust and secure platform where you can create banking applications and robust infrastructure.  As well as you are looking for manipulation of data and analytics to be present then you can go with Python with Django.

Google Trends Comparison-

PHP with Laravel or Python with Django

Laravel also has gained a huge amount of considerable momentum over Django as of 2018. Let’s see the Google Trends results for how many people are seeking info on Laravel these days. How many (fewer) are checking out Django. I also used Ruby on Rails for good measure, which was #1 in this comparison.  It faired recently through 2013 and 2016 but is now #3 out of 3 as of 2018.

Laravel first passed over the Django framework overall in developer “interest” two years ago in April 2016, then passed Ruby on Rails in December 2016, and has gradually increased its lead over both the frameworks through every month of 2017 and, so far, and as of 2018. There is actually a bit lesser new interest in Django or Rails today than there was over five years ago on May 1, 2013. Meanwhile, if you see there exists a 700% more interest in Laravel today than there was on May 1, 2013.
The math is coming up Laravel.


Recommended Read: PHP vs Python


You can not really go wrong with either of these frameworks, but if you are equally proficient and have mastered PHP and Python, Laravel has the momentum as well as the stricter (or at least more traditional) adherence to certain “best practices” that exists in the field of web programmings such as OOPs and MVC. And, language-wise, PHP powers much of the websites that are out there.,(thanks in part to WordPress) and there will undoubtedly be plenty of such kind of open opportunities in PHP web development for decades into the future.

Primarily for the above listed three reasons, Laravel and PHP are probably going to be your best bets for web development as of 2018 and looking toward the 2020s.


Frameworks Popularity


We are also adding the caveat that we saw on TechEmpower.If you compare this with raw PHP, you will find that Laravel does not perform better. For a basic web app that is going to have hundreds of users, Laravel is a joy to use. But for something much larger and scalable, an upgrade to the similar (by way of MVC and OOP) yet slightly more complex .NET Framework may be in your future.

If you are building a really large or high traffic website that has tens of thousands of users, I’d maybe consider Django for the job after all, or more likely make the use of Core 2 or Node.js instead of either. That being said, Laravel is able to handle whatever you’d throw at it. You’d just need to upgrade the hardware. We can also have expectations that Laravel will make performance improvements, as it’s still relatively new compared to each of these much more mature frameworks.


Also Read: Django vs Laravel: Which Web Application Framework to Choose?


If you are looking to build your website, web application or mobile application with PHP with Laravel or Python with Django or want to hire developers then contact us on We have the most talented and seasoned developers ready to onboard you project in no time in order to help you out. We are just a call away, you can contact us at with your requirements.



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