Java vs C++ vs C

Java vs C++ vs C

Java vs C++ vs C
In summary, we are going to discuss the differences and similarities between the programming languages C, C++, And Java (Java vs C++ vs C)

Here are some of the pointers that you will find when you work with programming languages like C, C++, and Java.


 Similarities and Differences of Java, C++and C.

  • C is a procedural language,c++ is an object oriented language .Java is a pure object oriented language.
  • We can create our own package in Java(set of classes) but not in c and c++.
  • Internet programming like Frame, Applet is used in Java not in C, C++.
  • Java uses compiler and interpreter but in C & C++ uses compiler only.
  • We use multiple inheritances in C++ not in Java. In Java, we use Interface instead of multiple inheritances. In c there is no inheritance.
  • C & C++ both are platform dependent which means you can’t run the execute code in any other operating system.Java is a platform independent language.
  • In C we use stdio.h header file .In C++ we use iostream.h, conio.h header file but Java does not support any header files.
  • Pointers are used in C and C++ language, but Java will not support for pointers.
  • There is no Exception handling in C, but it supported by Java & C++.
  • In C no overloading, In C++ supports overloading & in Java operator overloading not support.
  • Storage classes: auto, extern are supported by C and C++, but in Java not supported.
  • The Code of C Language is Converted into the Machine code after Compilation But in Java Code First Converted into the Bytes Codes then after it is converted into the Machine Code
  • In C++ Multiple Inheritance is Possible but in java A Class Can not Inherit the features from the two classes, in other words java doesn’t support Multiple Inheritance The Concept of Multiple Inheritances is Introduced in the Form of Interfaces
  • The use of import statement in Java for including the contents of screen instead of #include
  • Java Doesn’t have Destructor like C++ Instead Java Has finalize Method
  • Java will never support have Structure Union , enum data types


Direct Comparison of Java vs C++ vs C

Metrics C C++ Java
Programming Paradigm Procedural language Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Pure Object Oriented Oriented
Origin  The language is based on assembly language Derived from the  C language Based on C and C++
Developer Dennis Ritchie in 1972 Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 James Gosling in 1991
Translator Compiler only Compiler only Interpreted language (Compiler + interpreter)
Platform Dependency It is Platform Dependent Platform Dependent  Java is Platform Independent
Code execution Direct Direct Executed by JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
Approach Top-down approach Bottom-up approach Bottom-up approach
File generation .exe files .exe files .class files
Pre-processor directives Support header files (#include, #define) Supported (#header, #define) Use Packages (import)
keywords Support 32 keywords Supports 63 keywords 50 defined keywords
Datatypes (union, structure) Supported Supported Not supported
Inheritance No inheritance Supported Supported except Multiple inheritance
Overloading No overloading Support Function overloading (Polymorphism) Operator overloading is not supported
Pointers Supported Supported Not supported
Allocation Use malloc, calloc Use new, delete Garbage collector
Exception Handling Not supported Supported Supported
Templates Not supported Supported Not supported
Destructors No constructor neither destructor Supported Not supported
Multithreading/ Interfaces Not supported Not supported Supported
Database connectivity Not supported Not supported Supported
Storage Classes Supported ( auto, extern ) Supported ( auto, extern ) Not supported


Where are C and C++ utilized?

Firstly, C is regularly utilized for exceptionally requesting, low-level computational undertakings where speed, proficiency, and close admittance to the machine are an absolute necessity.

Particularly, C expects that software engineers know how they are treating gives them opportunity.

Moreover, It is subsequently the language of decision for working frameworks, inserted gadgets, frameworks programming, portions and drivers, compiler improvement, and the developing business of IoT (Internet of Things) applications.

To begin with, C++ again permits the developer close admittance to and control of the machine, while giving effectiveness and elite execution to enormous scope frameworks. Simultaneously, it is more significant level with sufficient reflection away from the machine.

Subsequently, C++ is a famous language of decision for making game motors and PC illustrations and applications, VR applications, internet browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari, and internet browser expansions. The Google Search Engine is additionally implicit C++.


Contrasts among C and C++

Presently how about we take a gander at a couple of the distinctions between the two dialects.

Information and Output techniques

Particularly, C and C++ utilize various ways of yielding data to the control center and get data from the client.

In C, scanf() is utilized for client input, while printf() is utilized for yielding information.

In C++, std::cin >> is utilized for getting client input and std::cout << is utilized to yield information.

The programming worldview

Firstly, the main contrast between the two dialects is the different way to deal with programming that each employments.

C is a procedural arranged language and its accentuation is on capacities.

Moreover, programs are separated into a bunch of capacities and they comprise of bit by bit directions, or orders, to be executed in successive request.

Similarly, this way of programming indicates how to accomplish something, giving organized strides for how computational undertakings will be done, following a hierarchical methodology.

Therefore, this way of programming can get very chaotic and blunder inclined when projects fill in size. It prompts a ton of reordering througout the document and refreshing many capacities when there is a change.

However, other than being a procedural language, C++ is additionally an Object Oriented Programming language, which depends on the idea of plunging a program into objects.

Similarly, everything is coordinated and separated into more modest gatherings of related parts or items, which are a case of a class, following a granular perspective.

Moreover, Object Oriented Programming depends on four standards: epitome, reflection, legacy and polymorhism.

This way of programming makes more clear and usable code that is more straightforward to keep up with, while additionally giving better information security.


Also Read: Java Vs Python


Java Version History

The historical backdrop of Java is extremely intriguing. Firstly, Java initially intended for intuitive TV, yet too trend setting innovation for the advanced satellite broadcast business at that point. Secondly, The historical backdrop of Java begins with the Green Team.  Particularly, Java colleagues (otherwise called Green Team), started this undertaking to foster a language for advanced gadgets like set-top boxes, TVs, and so forth Nonetheless, it was the most appropriate for web programming. Afterward, Java innovation was fused by Netscape.

Particularly, the standards for making Java writing computer programs were “Basic, Robust, Portable, Platform-free, Secured, High Performance, Multithreaded, Architecture Neutral, Object-Oriented, Interpreted, and Dynamic”. Moreover, Java was created by James Gosling, who is known as the dad of Java, in 1995. James Gosling and his colleagues began the venture in the mid ’90s.

To summarize, right now, Java utilized in web programming, cell phones, games, e-business arrangements, and so on



Finally, you can see the differences and similarities of (Java vs C++ vs C) that we have listed down here. Importantly, when it comes to application development, each of these languages is self-sufficient in designing applications for the desktop platform. Secondly, If you enjoyed this blog then do check out our other topics as well.

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