Django vs Laravel: Which Web Application Framework to Choose?

Django vs Laravel: Which Web Application Framework to Choose?

The difference between Django v/s laravel
In this article, we are going to see the differences and situations where Django performs better and the instances where Laravel performs better. Let us start, with Django vs Laravel (Django vs Laravel).


What is Django?

Django is an open-source framework that is used for web development and is written in the Python programming language. The architecture pattern that is followed by this framework is the MVT or Model View Template architecture. Particularly, this framework is heavily used to develop complex web applications


The Django framework was developed and created by the Django Software Foundation. Django was initially released in the year 2005. Django was licensed by the Berkeley Software Distribution license. It is being used in some well-known websites like Mozilla, Instagram, Pinterest, Bitbucket, and many more.


All the maintenance, as well as releases, were managed by the Django Software Foundation. Django is proven to be lightweight and has a standalone feature for development and testing purposes. The primary purpose of the development of Django was to ease the development of complex web applications in less time and effort.


What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source framework that is used for web development and is written and coded in the PHP programming language. This framework follows the MVC or Model View Controller pattern. Laravel also provides a rich set of functionalities that is similar to Ruby on Rails. It can be used to develop and design a content management system (CMS) based applications.


Laravel was initially created and developed by Taylor Otwell. Laravel has been licensed by the MIT Foundation. It was first released in the year 2011. Programmers need basic knowledge and advanced know-how of PHP to develop applications. Laravel is used to develop a Content Management System (CMS) based applications. Laravel has an upscale feature to provide more user traffic.


The developer time to code applications has been reduced due to Laravel and it also provides inbuilt features that ease coding applications and maintenance. Laravel has many good features for developing web applications from scratch in an easier and more useful way.



Let’s look at a head-to-head Django vs Laravel




Django, a full-stack web application framework coded and written in Python

Laravel, a full-stack web application framework coded and written in PHP

Django, maintained by the Django Software Foundation

Laravel, developed and maintained by the developer and their community under the MIT license

It follows a Model View Template (MVT), model

It follows a Model View Controller (MVC), model

Django supports cross-platform development

Laravel also supports cross-platform development
It supports rapid development features and provides great support from the community user group.

It has a clean architecture and a growing community user base

Django supports high scalability

Laravel also supports high scalability but the only difference is the language used to write the framework.

It has a vast community developers’ user base

Laravel community is growing at a fast pace but it does not have a huge community as compared to Django.

Several frameworks also exist for Python

Laravel is the only framework that is considered written in PHP.



Key Differences- Django vs Laravel:


  1. Django is a high-level framework that is based on Python and provides rapid action development as well as a clean design solution whereas Laravel is also a web application framework that provides an elegant syntax along with different features such as routing, authentication, sessions and caching.
  2. It can provide rapid app development, a greater community base, great packages, great libraries as well as an easy-to-learn environment, whereas Laravel provides quick development mode,  dependency injection, application architecture, good community packages, MVC model architecture, and growing community base.
  3. Django has a few cons in a few areas such as unsupported or less performance templating, URL dispatchers, Underpowered object-relational mapping, and internal subcomponents coupling, whereas Laravel has a few cons as huge static method calling and slow performance.
  4. Django has various middleware support whereas Laravel has only HTTP middleware. Compared to Laravel, Django is a little bit faster as it uses the programming language Python which is fast in execution, whereas Laravel uses PHP which is slower in comparison to Python.
  5. Django has a lot of built-in tools such as decorators, SEO tools, third-party libraries, etc, on the other hand,  Laravel has simpler features and contains method injection.


Bonus Bits

  1. Django components are lightweight in comparison and have serialization and validation systems used to translate between web page forms. And database values whereas Laravel has a composer tool that loads all the dependencies and libraries. This is done using a file called composer.json which is placed in the source folder.
  2. It supports ORM or Object Relational Mapping and provides an interface between the application and database to persist the database efficiently whereas Laravel provides query builder and ORM support with an active record implementation.
  3. Django supports multilingual support which is compatible with many multilingual websites using its built-in internationalization system that is present in the internal system. On the other hand, Laravel contains different namespaces as well as interfaces that manage the resources.
  4. Django supports administrative graphical user interfaces that are a kind of ready-to-use interface for administrative tasks or activities. On the other hand, Laravel authentication and templating engine used to design the hierarchy schemas and layouts also include some dynamic content
  5. Django supports some different frameworks like AJAX, caching, RSS feeds and various other features. On the other hand, Laravel has configuration management, routing, and testability where the configuration of management activities always takes place consistently in different machines where uses involve the Laravel framework.
  6. Django provides a development environment that includes a lightweight web server that provides easier and faster deployment ensuring end-to-end development and testing activities. Laravel framework includes queues, events and a command bus used to run the cron jobs. The event command bus supports executing different commands and dispatching different events more easily.


Also Read: Django vs Laravel vs NodeJS: Comparison


Django Advantages


1. Batteries included:

Django prides itself on a batteries-included structure. This means it accompanies a ton of stuff out of the crate, that you could utilize contingent upon your application. Rather than composing your code (the power), you simply need to import your desired bundles to utilize.

It’s a piece of the show over setup worldview that Django is essential for, and it permits you to utilize the arrangements carried out by elite experts. Django batteries length a wide scope of themes that include:

  • Verification with auth bundle
  • Administrator connecting with administrator bundle
  • Meeting the board with Sessions bundle
  • Overseeing impermanent or meeting-based messages with Message bundle
  • Creating Google sitemap XML with Sitemaps bundle
  • Postgres unique highlights with Postgres Package
  • Guiding into “types” of content with content sorts system


2. Python:

Since Django utilizes Python, it uses a portion of the acclaim and force of Python to its advantage. Python is seemingly one of the simplest – on the off chance that not the most straightforward programming language to learn for fledglings, and it’s additionally very famous in initial software engineering courses all over the planet.

3. Local area Community:

Django’s people group is perhaps the best thing about it, they are useful and effectively dealing with making the system more novice agreeable and settling the structure while adding new highlights. Django’s documentation is very intensive and is valuable as an independent instructional exercise, it will assist you with understanding different highlights so you can involve it as an essential wellspring of data.

4. Versatile:

Most engineers, while contemplating getting a system plan for the future in their decision. That is the reason picking a versatile system is very fundamental for some, and Django is only that. It permits you to make various moves concerning adaptability, like running separate servers for the data set, the media, and the actual application or even using bunching or load-adjusting to convey the application across different servers.

5. Inherent Admin:

The Django group was very smart when they made the structure, and they remembered client and client fulfilment. It’s very nonsensical to make your administrator interface at the backend just to have the option to deal with your information with fundamental CRUD activities. That is the reason Django offers a managerial connection point right out of the crate that is both expert and adaptable, as indicated by the archives the engineer can now create considering the show. Do contact us if you are looking to Hire Django Developer.

Laravel Advantages


1. It’s fast and basic:

Being the main PHP structure implies that Laravel is as of now a system that most web designers know about; also the scope of implicit formats simplifies advancement and simplifies for engineers. This implies a specialist Laravel engineer might construct a 5 or 6-page site in a little while. A quick improvement time implies lower costs and speedier outcomes for the business.

2. Security is critical:

Security is the main worry for most organizations. With Laravel, progressed security highlights are not difficult to arrange on most sites to improve security and shield destinations from programmers and digital lawbreakers. Laravel utilizes a Bcrypt hashing calculation impling it never saves any passwords in the data set. Contrasting it with other PHP structures, Laravel likewise has incredible client confirmation and limited admittance highlights are not difficult to make. This keeps you and your client’s information free from any danger.

3. Better site execution:

Not at all like numerous different systems out there, Laravel upholds storing for your site out-of-the-crate which is extraordinary for helping your site speed. To improve your site’s exhibition, Laravel makes other speed advancement strategies, for example, memory use decrease and data set ordering truly simple to carry out. This makes Laravel a superb decision for your business on the off chance that site speed and SEO cordiality are a portion of your prerequisites.

4. Extraordinary for Traffic-Handling:

As your business develops, so will the volume of traffic to your site. A site worked in Laravel can deal with site demands much more quickly than most different systems. Laravel utilizes a novel message line framework, and that implies you can put off specific site assignments like sending messages until sometime shortly. Having the option to control tedious undertakings implies your site can deal with assignments more quickly. What’s more this keeps your site’s server sound, yet can likewise bring down your facilitating costs in the long haul.

5. Truly Flexible:

Laravel can fabricate a completely fledged eCommerce site or a straightforward and proficient B2B site. Because of its broad pre-introduced approval libraries, it can make and support an assortment of cutting-edge highlights for your site, for example, secret word reset and encryption. There is likewise a huge load of outsider bundles accessible to provide your site with a scope of highlights and functionalities, for example, Socialite empowers clients to sign into your site utilizing their online media profiles would it be a good idea for you to coordinate that choice?

6. Simple outsider reconciliations:

Pretty much every site is incorporated with an outsider utilization or something to that effect. This might incorporate an instalment framework like Stripe or Paypal or a promoting apparatus that your organization employments. Anything that the combination, Laravel makes coordinating outsider applications simple with its perfect APIs for mixing. So whether your site needs an instalment framework set up or a computerized instrument to deal with your showcasing, Laravel is a solid competitor.


Know More: What are the benefits of using Laravel over plain PHP?



We have listed the subtle differences and made a head-to-head comparison between Django vs Laravel. There will be instances and situations where Laravel is better and in some cases, Django is better.

It all depends on the scenario as well as the client requirements and benefits that you want your application to have. If you’re looking to hire Laravel developers or hire Django developers then do contact



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