Why Laravel Is Perfect for Web Development

Why Laravel Is Perfect for Web Development

Features Of Laravel

Top 15 Reasons Why Laravel Is Perfect for Web Development


There are a number of development platforms available in the market. However, choosing the best PHP development framework for designing a website is very important. In our previous blog, we discussed the top fifteen PHP frameworks with their features and capabilities. We also talked about Laravel and Codeigniter in detail and showed differences between them. Our company uses Laravel and Codeigniter both the frameworks on a regular basis. It is after testing and working over each framework platform we tell you why Laravel is the best PHP framework.  




Laravel is a famously used open source PHP framework. It is one of the most renowned web development frameworks used by businesses to intricate rich web applications. Laravel developers help you deliver crisp web applications. Helping you customize the applications as per the user’s requirements it is highly fit for the development of robust web apps.

Below are the reasons to show you why Laravel is the best PHP framework for web development.


1. Authorization and Coding Technique


While developing any application code its authentication part plays the major role. Determining the time required to create coding for developing an app. Laravel possesses a technique that helps you in the processing of authorization logic.

Using Laravel, developers get free from a large part of coding. Laravel’s coding style is much more expressive and easy in understanding. Providing great flexibility and freedom to the Laravel developers it allows you to build any type of website.


2. Blade Template Engine


Laravel is popularly famous with its template engine called Blade template engine. With this in-built lightweight template, it is easy to create layouts that use dynamic content seeding. It is highly intuitive and works effectively with PHP/HTML. Using multiple widgets Laravel developers provides you a solid structure for your website.

It is specially designed in a way to provide its users with a unique and simple layout with distinctive sections. Blade Template Engine provides its users with various options to explore with its development like defines sections, Extend views, Echo & escaping conditional statements. Laravel framework designs are simple and effective in use.


3. MVC Architecture


Laravel supporting MVC architecture has become the best PHP framework. It helps Laravel improve its general performance with better documentation and multiple functionalities. Enhancing the code execution process MVC architecture makes Laravel development more appealing including several other functions.


4. Security


The security of the application is one of the major concerns while developing any web application. In order to provide enough security to your web apps, developers have to hit their heads while coding. Everyone has to find some or the other way to make their application protected. While Laravel, on the other hand, has its own security feature within its framework.

Possessing a CSRF token within the framework it takes care of all the online threats. Along with this use of ‘Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm’ and SQL statements Laravel developers provide its users with enough ways to secure their web applications.


5. Unit Testing


Laravel framework of PHP web development facilitates unit testing. Using this developer can easily write unit-tests in their own code. Due to this reason, Laravel is liked by many web developers. Capable of running many tests Laravel ensures that new changes done by programmers do not unexpectedly break anything in the web application.


6. Database Migration


The migration of Databases is another important benefit provided by the Laravel. Using this feature of Laravel developers can easily share their databases with other developers. Saving their time it helps in making the processing of the app more easy and swift. Using this Laravel developer gets the benefit of expanding the structure of the database without recreating it in the web application. This process of migration in Laravel makes its development fast and secure.


7. Artisan


Laravel provides its users with an important in-built command line tool called Artisan. While programming developers need to repeat many tasks which becomes a little tedious for developers. With the use of Laravel developers will no longer need to put their extra efforts in repeating the programming tasks.

Artisan helps you manage your databases easily. Using Laravel you can easily create your own database structure, skeleton code, models, migrations and can also generate boilerplate code for new controllers. Thus increasing the functionalities and capabilities of Artisan it helps you implement new custom commands.


8. Object-Relational Mapping


Another important advantage Laravel provides to its users is its built-in ORM implementation. It allows developers to issue the database queries using the most expressive PHP syntax. As compared to other frameworks ORM is much faster than other models of the PHP framework.


Related: Strong Features of CodeIgniter: Powerful PHP Framework


9. Multi-lingual


This is another important advantage provided by Laravel. Using this feature of Laravel you can expand your business across any country. According to the need and demands of your business, you can develop your website into many different languages. Laravel framework provides its users the benefit to easily reach the maximum number of people around all over the globe.


10. User-friendly Code


Laravel framework provides its users with abundant libraries, tools, and templates. Using these tools and templates development of web apps becomes more easy and flexible. Also, the use of the Laravel framework makes the coding and functioning of your app more easy and manageable.


11. Laracasts


Laracasts are a mixture of free and paid videos for guiding the use of Laravel effectively. Using this developer can easily get ideas about its use and functions. Made by Jeffery Way, a well experienced and professional trainer. The lessons and videos provided by him are well useful and informative. Any new feature or information can be easily added in the videos, making its users aware of the latest information.


12. Cloud Storage


Cloud computing is another feature provided by Laravel. It provides you an in-built cloud storage system like Amazon S3 and Rack space Cloud Storage. You can even switch between the two storage options as their API remains the same for both the storage options. You can even use both the systems in one application to serve files from multiple locations.


13. Easily Available


As the demand for Laravel development is so high in the market finding a good Laravel developer for designing a web app is not difficult. You can even find readily-made apps available at amazing rates. Making the use of Laravel development developers get various features to explore their ideas.


14. Package Discovery


Laravel is composed of multiple in-built packages. Instead of installing any new package Laravel automatically detects and installs it as per the needs of the user. Dealing with multiple support software it automates processing to help web applications. Using a composer as a dependency manager it helps you manage all the information provided.


15. Good Performance


It is a strong reason to choose Laravel over other frameworks. At the end of the development, it is all about how good and performative your output is. Easy in use, Laravel makes the customization and error handling process easier. Providing abundant tools it helps developers boost their website performance.


Also Read: Pros and Cons of Laravel



After going through all the above features it will be easy for you to choose the best PHP framework. Due to its popularity and functioning Laravel is highly in demand. If you have any idea of developing an application or website in Laravel hire Laravel developers from Nimap Infotech. Our developers having the best of their experiences will help you provide the best business website.

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